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From the author: "...I am a door to which there is no key... More than once they tried to break me, Knocking with dirty feet, But they remained outside the door!..." (c) She sat opposite, periodically looked towards the window and was immersed in memories of her childhood. Not the most pleasant. Complex process. Heavy. It was hard for her. You could see from her face how it was: she looked away, her eyes moistened, her cheekbones clenched. The last few sessions took place in events more than 20 years ago. The room was metaphorically filled with the muddy water of bitter events and the two people in it, like divers, were diving. Minute by minute, swallowing oxygen and support from the therapist, she swam along the waves of childhood. The session was inexorably coming to an end. There were a few minutes left. - “I never had my own place... More precisely, I didn’t have my own room... My mother and I lived in a small room, and my mother’s parents lived in others... Mmmmm... There are no doors at all closed... Not a single one... When a stressful situation arose, I could not hide and be alone... they persecuted me and continued to criticize me... they burst in... shouted... insulted... Mom never protected... "(* the state of a Child with full experience of the feelings of that time); It was at this fateful moment that there was a knock on the door and it was sharply opened. The presence of the next client, like a draft, was felt in this session. How symbolic! Failure. Stupor. Horror. Tears. All attempts to collect my thoughts and end the meeting led to nothing. It was clear that she left in a scattered state, like beads on the floor. There was still hope that she would have enough strength to cope with this in reality. Quite a bit of work had already been done. What happened to Her for a couple of weeks became known only at the next meeting. She shared her experiences: days of pain, despair, anger, resistance to coming and a wild desire for revenge! “Tear off the therapist's head.” And all these feelings were real. Just like then, more than 20 years ago. It was with them that the child was dealing, who was not protected, persecuted, and not given the opportunity to be with himself. A child who, although he has grown up, wants revenge, has difficulty defining his external and internal boundaries, has problems with trust (unconscious trust) and quiet hidden pain. What would help her in this situation? Admitting a mistake. Open. Deep. Thus giving the Inner Child a feeling of care already “Here and Now”, at least a little compensating for his pain “Then”. To give space for anger and living the whole gamut of feelings, a sip of NEW experience and awareness of what is happening. Her words were sharp: “Having clarified the situation and admitting the mistake, you deprived me of the desire to take revenge on you. Without doing this, I would have justifiably abandoned you and lost your script again... and again... and again... And now I don’t know what to do. How to live?” Now her tension, tears, despair were not wounded children, but associated with the fear of the new. New experience. For adults. Transparent, like a drop of a tear... And if it weren't for this open door in therapy, there might not have been a way out... * Confidentiality maintained. The recording was made with the permission and agreement of the client. March 2016.
