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Money is what everyone thinks about, because there is always a shortage of it. It has the amazing property of “disappearing” without a trace, leaving us alone with empty pockets and loans. Therefore, in today’s In this article I propose to talk about how to get rid of financial problems forever and gain sustainable wealth. What has become especially relevant in our difficult times. So, meet the Five Steps to High Income and Financial Well-Being: 1) You don’t have to like your job. But this approach is only permissible at the beginning of your career. Because if you spend your whole life working at a job you don’t like, then this a guaranteed way to break your psyche, get an ulcer and take your entire salary to the pharmacy. Keep a hint on how to find yourself an interesting and well-paid job: It lies in the intersection zone of four circles: (1) What do you love, (2) What are you good at, (3) What the world/people need, (4) What people are willing to pay you for. Strive to find a job that lies in the intersection of two or three of these four circles. Ideally, all 4 circles intersect. 2) Regularly change your employer company. Every time you move to work for another company, you can qualify for a significant increase in salary. Don’t be afraid to be branded as a “flyer”, don’t be ashamed and don’t hide behind false loyalty ( dedication) to the company (boss). In fact, this is a natural part of professional development and climbing the career ladder. 3) Read, read and read again Don’t stop greedily consuming specialized content (books, articles, specialized sites and magazines). This is the only way you You will always be able to stay on the cutting edge of technological progress and new trends in your profession. Important: Be sure to read books on personal finance and investing. How else will you learn to manage money wisely and confidently increase your wealth? 4) Reading is overrated It’s not enough to just read. You need to do it (i.e., put into practice what you read). Nobody cares how many books you’ve read. Your boss only cares about what exactly you can do for the benefit of the company. You need to brag not about knowledge (and diplomas), but about practical experience. 5) Start investing When I ask my friends, “do they invest”? - then I usually hear about the same thing in response: “I don’t have money now.” However, on social networks I often see photos of them from travel, with new clothes and barbecues. That is, they still have money. But there is no understanding of the importance of investing. And without investing, there will be no opportunity to create your own financial capital (to live on the income from it, and not on a pension from the state).Additionally: Read my other article “Where NOT to invest money? TOP 3 most dangerous places for your money.” I will be grateful for your likes and reposts of this article. Author of the article is Alexander Evstegneev, personal finance expert, author of 20 books on financial literacy, investor with 25 years of experience
