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Laws of life. How to influence your own life. I suggest you think about the 30 laws of fate that I recently discovered. I am not their author and I don’t know who legitimized them, but I largely agree with these laws. In any case, it is sometimes impossible to refute them. In fact, this is one of the psychotherapeutic techniques - persuasion, very effective. But if you read these laws and then throw them away, nothing will change. Changing irrational beliefs is not a quick process, it can be repeated many times and requires time and persistence. But what a result! How much easier life becomes! Read them every day, purposefully and thoughtfully, or even better, hang them in the kitchen, where you will constantly look at them. These laws will be very useful for those who feel unhappy and want to change something in their lives. They allow you to determine the direction of your actions and draw up an action plan. So, 30 laws of fate.1. The law of emptiness. Everything starts from emptiness. The void must be filled.2. Law of the barrier. Opportunities are not given in advance. A decision must be made to cross the barrier as a conditional obstacle. Opportunities are given to us after an internal decision. Desires are given to us along with the strength to fulfill them.3. Law of neutrality. To change, you need to stop, and then change the direction of movement.4. Law of payment. You have to pay for everything: for action and for inaction. What will be more expensive? Sometimes the answer is only obvious late in life. The price for inaction is higher. Avoiding failures does not make a person happy. The biggest mistake in life is to be afraid of making a mistake all the time.5. Law of similarity. Like attracts like. There are no random encounters in our lives. We attract not the people we want to attract, but those who are like us.6. Law of thinking. The inner world of man is embodied in the outer world of things. Our outer world is the realized world of our inner thoughts. I do not fully agree with this law. There are events in the outside world that a person cannot control and is not responsible for.7. Law of the rocker. If your goal is unattainable, set another goal.8. Law of attraction. A person attracts to himself what he loves, fears or expects, i.e. whatever is in his focused consciousness. Life gives us what we expect to receive from it.9. Law of request. If you don’t ask for anything from life, you won’t get anything. If we ask fate for unknown things, then we receive unknown things. State your desires clearly.10. Law of limitations No. 1. It is impossible to provide for everything. Much depends on our internal limitations.11. The law of high. There is no absolute high in life. It is limited by the limitations of our perception of the world.12. Law of limitation No. 2. A person cannot have everything. The secret of happiness lies not in indulging your whims and desires, but in the ability to be content with what you have. It is not easy to be content with little, but the most difficult thing is to be content with much. You can lose happiness in search of wealth, which means losing everything. You can gain the whole world and lose your soul.13. Law of change. If you want change, take power over your circumstances into your own hands. You cannot change your life without changing anything in it and without changing yourself. Because of his passivity, a person misses the real chance provided by fate. Maybe you're going with the flow? Become the master of your destiny. If you don't go anywhere, you won't arrive anywhere.14. Law of development. Life forces a person to solve precisely those problems that he refuses to solve and is afraid to solve. But these tasks will still have to be solved at another, already at a new stage of your life. But the cost of the solution will be higher.15. Taxi law. If you are not a driver, if you are being driven, then the further.
