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From the author: Quarrels happen so often that you have simply stopped noticing them? In this case, this article is for you. Unfortunately or fortunately, relationships in real life are not at all similar to the scenario of a children's fairy tale, where “they fell in love with each other at first sight and began to live happily ever after.” No, relationships are a huge mutual work, and work that is not always noticeable, but is always justified. People meet and seem to fall in love with each other, but not much time passes and he or she already thinks that there is “the wrong one” " Human. Conflicts begin and relationships fail. No matter how it sounds, in modern conditions this is already a common scenario. What needs to be done to prevent quarrels from becoming a reason for separation? First of all, you need to realize that a quarrel is not a way to manipulate another person. Time passes, people change, and relationships develop. With the transition to a new level (this applies to both the person and the relationship), a change in values ​​occurs. And sometimes what was previously quite acceptable becomes completely unacceptable. Secondly, you need to remember that quarrels are a sign that you are not indifferent to your chosen one or chosen one, and, therefore, a violent reaction to what is happening is only the result of your attitude towards the person. Thirdly, you can be sure that that quarrels are not only negative in nature. No matter how bad this may make you feel, there are also some “advantages” to conflict: it is controversial situations that help couples find a way out together and raise relationships to a new level. One day, a quarrel can play a decisive role in your life, so you need to be able to behave correctly in such situations. There are several very simple rules that will make it easier to resolve a conflict: In my articles about relationships, I repeat one important point - you need to learn to listen to your partner. This is perhaps the main thing. Often, when we are angry, we do not hear what our partner wants to convey to us. But maybe his demands aren’t so bad after all? Try to restrain yourself and listen to the words of your person, and maybe you will even notice that you are saying the same reasons as your opponent. The place and time of the showdown plays a huge role. Do not make scandals while in a public place. This offends your partner so much that he will not be able to forgive you for a long time. As the proverb says, “quarrels cannot be tolerated in public,” so try to let only you know about your quarrels. As for time, you should not start a conflict when there are urgent matters or you are late for something, this will only worsen the relationship and increase your nervousness. Know how to say “stop”. Sometimes words spoken in a fit of anger are unnecessary. You will regret what you said, and your partner will remember these words for a long time. Never insult each other during a quarrel. It is guaranteed that you will make peace, but the words spoken to each other will leave an unpleasant memory. Let's respect each other's feelings and take care of our love. Try to step into the other person's shoes and look at the situation from a different perspective. In most cases, quarrels arise precisely because we evaluate circumstances only from our side. But you only have to look once at the quarrel through the eyes of your partner, and you will understand that you are also responsible for what has happened. Quarrels arise in any relationship, and you shouldn’t be afraid of them. On the contrary, they help us get to know each other, see our shortcomings and begin to work in this direction. Any conflicts are solvable, which means that with joint efforts you will overcome everything. Shiyan Olga Vasilievnatel: 8-919-876-51-60
