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From the author: From August 1-7, a week of breastfeeding support. I, as a perinatal psychologist, cannot ignore such an important event. I want to pay attention not only to the beneficial properties of breast milk, but to the emotions that accompany breastfeeding. I, as a perinatal psychologist, cannot miss such an important event as breastfeeding support. Breast in lat. language mamma. That is, a woman, not only psychologically, but also physiologically, has something that defines her as a mother. The first meeting of mother and child occurs through the breast. What does the baby get when he first meets his mother? This is, of course, the first physical contact. First emotional reactions from mom. The first smile a mother gives to her baby. The first warmth of mother's hands. Tears of joy from the first meeting. The breast is an emotional channel through which a woman conveys her emotions and love during the first year of her baby’s life. And sometimes the mother is very tired, without enough sleep, and there is no strength left to react emotionally to the baby. And nature took care of everything. These are the quiet moments of breastfeeding. During breastfeeding, a woman produces the hormone oxytocin. Which has a calming effect on the central nervous system of a woman. Breastfeeding mothers react less to stress. During. While feeding, the woman seems to calm down, a soft smile appears. This is the moment when the whole world begins to belong only to you and your baby. This is silent affection for your baby. A gentle look and touch calms the baby near your heart. This is what artists depict in their paintings. Looking eye to eye, the baby's gentle hands, and sweet smacking give the mother new strength, emotions, and affection for the baby. Very often, women stop feeding their baby because they have little milk. But the breast itself is valuable not only for milk, but for the contact that the baby receives during the moments of feeding. And even if there are only drops of milk, mom is always there. Support breastfeeding. Contact a lactation consultant if you have problems with lactation. Do not deprive your baby of a happy moment, to be physically with you. Breastfeeding is also very important for the prevention of breast cancer and osteoporosis. Everything is very interconnected. Nature will thank you.
