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This summer has been quite a rich one for me. There are many different experiences, but it seems to me that it was thanks to them that I found very important new resources for myself and I want to share them. So: 1) Free writing. I took a scary little notebook and started writing in it every day, for at least 20 minutes, about everything. Without re-reading. Mostly, of course, it was about myself and my feelings. An amazing method: it allows you to experience and realize different, not always simple, things, while remaining in the safe position of “the one who writes.” Why is the notebook ugly?) Because personally, in a beautiful notebook, I immediately want to write “beautifully” and I can start trying instead of just being. Very distantly, but to me this process of free writing seemed like a cross between a therapy session and meditation. Somehow this exercise, by giving me the opportunity to be present with myself for at least 20 minutes a day, fills me with strength and a desire to move. If for some reason there is no opportunity or desire to be in therapy right now, and the feeling of life somehow disappears, free writing is the way to go. There are probably limitations to the method and it may work differently for different people, but for me it definitely became very “nutritious.” 2) Physical exercise, namely just exercise in the morning. I started doing this several times in my life, but this time, something finally clicked and I’ve been doing exercises every day for 2 months now. It’s such a simple thing, although I don’t always want to do it, but in the process I begin to somehow feel, become aware of my body, its strength, energy and mobility, and not just use it. This is about the joy of having movement, or something, and the ability to realize effort, by the way. It’s as if I choose to feel my body every day and embody this choice physically. 3) To-do lists. I completely forgot how much I love getting A’s)) And now with great pleasure I give them to myself in the form of checkmarks next to completed tasks. Like a child, honestly, but I’m so happy about this) These resources are very simple and have been known for a long time, but no less effective. And the point is not at all in the methods themselves, but in the effort to implement and try them, the effort to at least begin the search. Probably, after all, the importance of affordable effort (not excessive, not breaking, but quite feasible) is the key discovery of this summer: yes, I can’t do something, but what exactly can I do now with interest/pleasure, so that my life could become the way I want?! Maybe these are very simple things?) Well, the resources are now forever in the piggy bank).
