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Psychologists, like any other specialists, are surrounded by a huge number of stereotypes about what they should be. Although in practice there are often cases when psychologists themselves suffer from psychological difficulties and even diseases, and unpleasant cases occur among their loved ones (for example, suicide). As a result, people around are perplexed or indignant, because, in their opinion, this should not happen. Just like when surrounded by doctors, no one should die, apparently. Let's look at why psychologists sometimes turn out to be “shoemakers without boots.” Firstly, many people initially come to psychology because they have mental health problems or intractable life situations. In the future, a person may want to share how they walked their path and overcame difficulties. That is, the opinion that all psychologists are traumatized people did not arise without reason. Not all of them, of course, but many. Although, try now, find a person without a single psychological trauma. Depending on the nature of the injury and the personal characteristics of the specialist himself, kickbacks can occur, just like with any other person. A psychologist communicates with a huge number of people and, of course, some client stories can act as unique triggers. For these purposes, psychologists are recommended to undergo personal therapy. Secondly, again due to the large flow of people who come to share problems and experiences, psychologists are more vulnerable specialists and prone to emotional burnout. In addition, the abundance of stories leaves a certain imprint - many cease to be happy about anything, to be surprised, and people are expected to show only their worst qualities. Thirdly, a psychologist is a person who lets through himself and constantly studies a huge amount of information, can constantly be in a state of analysis. Not only are intellectuals, in principle, rarely fun-loving people, but they also constantly worry about how little they know, how much still needs to be studied, how imperfect this world is. And fourthly, a psychologist is an ordinary person with his own feelings and experiences , he may have both periods of emotional decline and recovery. Based on all of the above, we can conclude that a psychologist cannot and should not be in a state of constant happiness, and his profession is not a guaranteed protection against psychological problems. Of course, We are not talking about the absolute majority, after all, most psychology specialists are calm, balanced people, with a good sense of humor and quite happy. Share, do you always have a feeling of happiness? Do you feel guilty before your clients if you don’t? Book a consultation: WhatsApp, Telegram +7 913 380-83-42 Skype: as3808342 Learn to manage your emotions!💪
