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Author - educational psychologist V.S. Gambarov Man is the highest creation of nature. But in order to fully enjoy its treasures, he must meet at least one requirement - to be healthy. The problem of mental health has attracted and continues to attract many researchers from various fields of science and practice: doctors, psychologists, teachers, philosophers and others. When dealing with the mental and mental development of a child, one should remember about his spiritual development, personality development, i.e. psychological health. The goal of my activity is to promote the preservation of the psychological health of all participants in the educational process. This work is carried out in the course of psychological support of the educational process and includes psychological diagnostics, developmental activities, educational and preventive work, and counseling. The system of work of the psychological service consists of four stages. !!The first stage is “Zero” and “work with younger schoolchildren”!! This stage includes: Comprehensive diagnostics to determine the level of readiness of future first-graders to study at school Preparatory courses for future first-graders. From the moment of entering school, the child’s success in learning depends not only from genetic data, but also from the relationship between the child and parents preceding learning, from the formation of the basic components of learning and development. Children entering school have different levels of preparation, which reduces the effectiveness of the teacher’s work. Therefore, at this stage I carry out: Preventive work The main focus is on increasing the psychological and pedagogical competence of parents in terms of the formation of the basic components of development necessary for a child when entering school: general awareness, attention, memory, thinking, cognitive activity. Developmental activities Focused on creating socio-psychological conditions for the development of schoolchildren, and psychocorrectional - to work through specific problems of learning, behavior or mental well-being in the process of such development. The choice of a specific form of work is determined by the results of the research. Psychocorrectional work I try to carry out psychocorrectional work individually or in small groups, because I think this is more effective. Diagnostic work Diagnostic work is also carried out in several areas, which should be listed separately. This is a diagnosis of the cognitive sphere of students (identification of the background level of mental development and the formation of prerequisites for participation in educational activities.), diagnosis of the motivational sphere of students, diagnosis of the emotional-volitional and personal sphere (level of anxiety, activity). Features of the emotional-volitional and personal sphere of the child to a fairly high degree influence the level of adaptation and the child’s learning process at school. High anxiety in general is a characteristic of psychological distress of an individual. As a rule, a large number of neuroses in children occur in classes where an authoritarian parenting style dominates. According to our data, 16% of schoolchildren have a high level of anxiety.!! The second stage is “working with teenagers”!! Work at this stage includes: Control over the adaptation of fifth-grade students and newly arrived children to UVP. Psychological monitoring. To monitor the dynamics in the primary school, based on the results, a psychological and pedagogical portrait of the student is drawn up. As for the work to preserve the psychological health of adolescents, trainings are conducted here to remove aggressiveness and uncertain behavior. Individual programs are developed for the most difficult adolescents with delinquent behavior. These programs are implemented jointly with subject teachers and class teachers. Computer games are used to develop attention, imagination, and thinking. I believe that great psycho-preventive andPsychological games have a developmental effect. A psychological game is a game action that develops the ability for self-control in a social situation, criticism of oneself and others, the ability to analyze one’s actions, unites the children’s team, creates a positive emotional mood, thereby preventing the occurrence of problems associated with personal development of schoolchildren. The game is a means of all-round development of the student. In the special course “Personal Self-Improvement”, conducted in 8 grades, a group of peers can become a condition for the development of the personality of everyone included in it. The child needs to be given a chance, the opportunity to realize himself, to feel that everything is fine with him and that they believe in him. Reliance on a subjectively successful (interesting, attractive, curious) area of ​​knowledge or activity for a child has a progressive influence on the development of his personality, allows him to develop his interests, self-confidence, and abilities. Here the children master the methods of autogenic training, develop the ability to see the prospect of their future life, the ability to determine the goals of their life, the relationship between the near and long term. Classes are held in the form of training, psychological games, role-playing games, group mini-discussions. The middle level is more autonomous and independent, so the child himself is directly addressed here. !!The third stage is “Working with high school students”!! The priority area is career guidance for students in grades 9-11. A factor that is traditionally associated in public opinion with adverse health consequences for high school students is exam stress. Particularly biased attention to this issue is associated with the introduction of a unified final exam. If you look at this problem more broadly, then any challenge of a student to the board, test work, testing is already a small exam stress. And although the control of knowledge is a very responsible procedure, harm to the health of the student can be caused not by any answer in the lesson and not by any exam, but only by such a procedure for testing knowledge in which the necessary psychological, pedagogical and ethical norms and requirements are not observed, an atmosphere of fairness and justice is not ensured. goodwill, the individual characteristics of the respondent (examinee) are not taken into account. But the occurrence of bad examiners is not a reason to cancel the exam procedure itself, just as the existence of bad, low-qualified teachers is not a reason to close all schools. In this regard, one of the areas of work follows: “Psychological support for students during the Unified State Exam. The main goal of this direction is to reduce stressful conditions; improvement of health-saving technologies during the preparation and passing of the final certification of students; providing effective assistance to participants in the educational process in preparing for exams. During the work, a psychodiagnostic examination of school anxiety or stress is carried out. At the end of each lesson, students are offered practical recommendations (written and oral) and training exercises to relieve nervous and emotional stress during the examination period. When conducting classes, methodological materials from periodicals for psychologists, recommendations on the development of types of memory, attention, thinking, training exercises, relaxation exercises, and practical tasks to relieve nervous tension are used. Thanks to the acquired skills of self-regulation and development of behavioral strategies during the examination period, the student acquires technologies for maintaining his own health-preserving environment in difficult life situations. Educational work takes place within the framework of the months on the prevention of AIDS, drug addiction and tobacco smoking. !!The fourth stage - “Working with parents”!!Parent meetings... Their topics are multifaceted and limitless: “Health and bad habits”, “The relationship of the atmosphere in the family
