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There are people in the world who are surrounded by sadists all their lives. They seem to attract those who will humiliate, insult, and use them. Apparently, there are few people who want to, and they have very few friends and relatives. At first glance, they look like ordinary masochists, of which there are plenty in this world. If this description begins to resonate in your soul, this article is for you! Let's try to figure out what's going on together. Are you really a masochist? No, unlike masochists, you suffer severely from humiliation and dream of taking revenge on your offenders. Fantasies about revenge, about humiliating your tormentors, about victory and triumph over them, make up a fair part of your mental life. The need for revenge and revenge is often shifted to the even more powerless and weak, and you enthusiastically despise “chocks”, fools, “rednecks” ", loafers and other inhabitants of the lower rungs of the social ladder. It is not difficult to guess that in the face of the objects of disgusting arrogance, your own insignificance and lack of rights are subject to revenge. You experience a panicky fear of government officials, be they police officers, bank or housing office employees... After all, all holders of little power can realize your own sadistic fantasies towards you. This need to torment the weak and humiliated is deeply repressed in you, hidden from consciousness, and you seem to yourself to be a weak, helpless victim. And, in fact, that’s how it is. Your sadistic part is “copied” from one of your parents, from someone who raised you in an atmosphere of mockery and humiliation. There is such a mechanism - identification with the aggressor. When the only way to survive next to a sadist on whom you completely depend (in our case, an omnipotent parent) is to turn into him, at least in fantasies. Then this sadistic parental figure shifts to those who surround you. On relationship partners, bosses, “colleagues” and “friends”. With the right skill, you can make sadists even out of your own children. Whether you collect torturers or turn ordinary people into them through unconscious provocations is quite difficult to understand. Most likely, fifty-fifty... although this is not so important. The important thing is that you can only survive with those who love to hurt others. Even if the “others” are you. Because the sadist is needed as a support for your unconscious sadistic part. It is vital for you to hate someone, otherwise your unused ferocity will turn on you, your child or your partner. And you will unknowingly begin to torture your loved ones... Is it true that they often get sick with you? Or are they addicted to alcohol, drugs, other types of addictions (they need to hide from you somewhere)? Your childhood has caught you in a trap and you have only one way out - to realize your own sadism and sublimate it. Make it a consciously high-quality weapon, instead of a random and unconscious attack on others. In the modern world, there are many areas of application for this weapon. You can be a surgeon and dentist, a crisis manager and a lawyer, a criminologist and a provocative psychotherapist. Those who, through inflicting necessary pain on people, bring them good.
