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Photo from the collection of free images Pixabay.Com A person with non-standard, non-opportunistic life aspirations, ideals and creative ideas inevitably faces the demotivating influence of the environment. Your own, family, friends - those from whom, in theory, you expect support, begin to consistently and methodically dissuade and question, and in the most severe cases - openly criticize and put a spoke in the wheels? Why? Because they are biomass, standard and faceless. They sit in a social swamp like frogs and croak in unison. And a person with non-standard plans is a passionary. Potentially a genius and a hero. And if he realizes his plans, he will jump out of the social swamp, spread his wings and fly. But swamp frogs do not want anyone to fly, since flight is not possible for them themselves. More precisely, one day they abandoned it: they gave up, they drifted, they retreated, they cowardly betrayed their dream. Such losers are unbearable to see how someone goes towards their dream. Envy eats away. And what do they do: tear off their wings; extinguish the fire in the soul. Using their own significance for a person and influence on him to implement these vile plans. G. Altshuller and I. Vertkin wrote the book “How to Become a Genius. Life Strategy of a Creative Personality.” They analyzed in detail what kind of tricks the environment can play. It is the environment, and not individual people, because, taking up arms against someone else’s dream, they become part of a faceless monster called the “crowd.” A passionate person, an innovator, needs to be aware of three dramatic moments: Close ones, family, friends, etc. e. “habitual surroundings” are the enemies of dreams. While there was no dream, everything was chick-flick, praised and stroked the fur. A dream appeared - they began to cheat with available means. So that he doesn’t spread his wings and fly. These closest ones want to undermine motivation, destroy the internal energy potential that arose in the soul of the passionary. And it must not be destroyed, on the contrary, it must be supported and nurtured. Otherwise, it will go out and you will rot in the swamp like everyone else. A choice arises: either family and friends, or a dream. Many cowardly do not want to see this choice, like an ostrich, hiding its head in the sand. They forget that when their head is in the sand, their ass is sticking up, anyone will join in and fuck you right away. “Don’t play around.” This choice needs to be realized, and consciously made. It is impossible to sit on two chairs: either a cozy social swamp, social approval for being like everyone else and doing the same thing as everyone else; or the road towards a dream, but alone, and from time to time poop will fly, which is thrown by the biomass .But that's okay. The poop will dry out and fall off. A dream is like a guiding star, it shows and illuminates the path. And the frogs croak in the swamp. And they will rot there. The article is included in the book “Escape from Nirvana: How a passionary can avoid rotting among biomass” by Alexey Tukmakov. The book can be bought at Litres
