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From the author: The desire for positive emotions develops a sense of optimism in a person. On this basis, he moves towards his goals and ideals. Such a person will not wilt under the blows of fate, but will seek and find new opportunities to realize himself and his capabilities in this direction. Recently, I began to pay more attention to a person’s actions and achievements. Not long ago I posted a note “Fortitude”, in which I showed how strong a person’s psychological capabilities (strength of spirit, will) are. And this is not about those who are overseas (S. Jobs, etc.), but our friends and acquaintances. As is known, most specialists take as a basis the following structure of a volitional act: 1) awareness of the internal motivation for activity; 2) setting goals for an action; 3) determining ways to achieve a goal; 4) making a decision to perform an action; 5) implementing a decision. The story below is further confirmation of this. So... Alexey, a former student of our university, who was periodically interested in various divisions of law enforcement agencies during his studies. OMON, SOBR, Criminal Investigation Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Special Forces of the Federal Penitentiary Service - structural units in which, to a greater extent, a young guy can show his abilities. After graduating from the educational institution in 2012, Alexey, having previously undergone surgery to restore his vision in 2010, went to the regional military registration and enlistment office in order to undergo compulsory military service, which by that time had become a prerequisite for further service in law enforcement agencies. But as they say, it was not to be... The military medical commission, at the stage of the pre-conscription check, issued a verdict of “Limitedly fit”, that is, fit for wartime. The guy should be happy, like many of those who specifically bypassed military service, but how Dream? She was under threat... Being a graduate, a specialist who received a law degree with honors, Alexey decided to put the theory into practice, first contacting the district military registration and enlistment office, and receiving a written refusal from the district court. What authorities he bypassed, and how he “harassed” officials over the course of more than two years deserves a separate story, but I will only indicate the main stages: two district courts, the Kirov Regional Court, the Commissioner for Human Rights in the Kirov Region, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation , Commissioner for Human Rights in the Russian Federation, President of the Russian Federation. The result of such active legal correspondence and activity was the introduction at the beginning of 2015 of an amendment to the “Regulations on Military Medical Examination”, the essence of which was that “... citizens previously recognized as partially fit for military service can be re-examined if previously their diagnosis of the disease has been changed.” The result is a long-awaited service in the army, albeit under a contract, but counting towards military service at the rate of 2:1, opening up certain prospects in the future... In my opinion, this result became possible, to a greater extent, thanks to the specification and clarity of the desired goal. Of course, specification and clarity have more to do with intellectual qualities, but at will, in this case they work accurately, being a tool for achieving the goal. I invite everyone to share in the comments examples of actions and achievements of their friends and loved ones, in which a person showed perseverance, perseverance, and courage to achieve his not very simple goal…
