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According to the Ministry of Education, in 2013, more than 5,000 children were returned to children's institutions in Russia. Here are some reasons for the cancellation of decisions to transfer children into guardianship. Canceled decisions to transfer children into guardianship due to improper performance by adoptive parents (guardians, trustees) of their duties: Guardianship (trusteeship) - 776 children Adoption - 17 children Canceled decisions to transfer children to guardianship reason for their cruelty: Guardianship (trusteeship) – 48 children Adoption – 0 children Canceled decisions to place children under guardianship on the initiative of adoptive parents (guardians, trustees): Guardianship (trusteeship) – 3921 children Adoption – 45 children I think it doesn’t matter here, how many children were taken into care or adopted in 2013, since returns occurred not only with these children, but also with those who were taken in in previous years, and perhaps even at a very young age. Such cases also happen. If you analyze these figures, it becomes clear that substitute parents do not always have enough knowledge and competencies to cope with the situations that their adopted child offers them. In no case do I presume to judge substitute parents. Sometimes they really can't do anything. Children are so crippled by this system that the point of no return has, to some extent, already been passed. On the other hand, it happens that parents are not ready for difficulties. Each of us has a different limit of emotions, patience and endurance. We often forget that this is a traumatized child. And no matter how many years he lived with this injury, he needed the same, or even more time, to cope with it. He will test you in all unimaginable ways to understand whether he can trust you, whether he can relax next to you and become a child. I believe that in order to prevent returns, foster families should be provided with the most powerful psychological support. Starting from the moment the family decided to accept the child until the adaptation period ends. And in all other cases when the family needs help and support. Candidates for surrogate parents must be diagnosed. What it is? During consultations, experienced psychologists use testing to determine the candidate’s temperament, character type, goals, interests, motivation, draw up a psychological portrait, and give recommendations on which child will be able to settle into this family more easily. Candidates also receive an approximate psychological portrait of a child with whom they will be able to quickly find a common language and match their character and temperament. If the family has already chosen a child, then they will also be able to come for a consultation, where they will find out what crisis points can await them. After all, it is always better to spread straw. In addition, it is imperative to prepare children for life in a family. Our foundation, for example, runs such a program. After all, this is a new experience not only for the foster family, but also for the child. And both parties must be ready to live together. Foster parents should have the opportunity to write or call a psychologist at any time to understand the situation, throw out their anger, emotions, understand why this happened, why the parent or child reacted this way. Of course, at the School of Foster Parents a lot of information is given, but when you sit at a lecture and look at everything from the outside, it’s one thing, and when you’re inside the situation, it’s another. I would even advise a candidate for foster parent, before taking a child into your family, to go to several consultations with a psychologist. This is very useful for the person himself, because problems happen in all areas of life, we need to learn to react to them correctly, to understand why I was hooked. And if you want to take an adopted child into your family, even more so. Believe me, you will have so many “hooks” that you never knew about. Yes, and deciding on the true motives is also important. It is better to understand that you are not ready than to take a child and then return him, causing»
