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From the author: Excerpt from the article "Women's happiness". Questions were asked by Ekaterina Baklanova, editor-in-chief of the magazines "In the City", Mytishchi, Korolev. Zhanna Kurkova answered. You can read the continuation of the article: Women's happinessWhat is women's happiness? “If you want to be happy, be it!” We all hear this phrase often. Many people wonder what it means to “become happy”? And if there is no good job, and if the husband does not understand, and the children bring grief - and with all this, if you want, you can become happy? Certainly!!! And with or without all this, a woman can and must be happy! Happiness is an integral innate inner quality of every person that can be revealed in oneself! The feeling of happiness does not depend on the achievement of certain benefits, but on a person’s internal ability to be happy. Happiness is within us! But they often look for him outside. Many are sure that when they get a good education, a prestigious job, a partner who will appreciate and love him, so smart and prestigious, then happiness will come. But how many people, having all this, are unhappy. The generation of the past era grew up with the attitude that happiness must be earned, it must be achieved, that it is a reward for work. We see how many people are left disappointed and unhappy. People are constantly trying to create the foundation of their happiness through external manifestations, it takes years, but there is no happiness. And then in return he receives grievances and disappointments... So what is women's happiness? What is the mission of a woman on Earth? What should she have in order to be happy? Every person strives for integrity, according to Eastern philosophy, to find the Tao. And Tao consists of two opposite energies - Yin and Yang. It is no secret that the feminine principle is Yin energy, which brings love, affection, tenderness, femininity, passion. And all this is inside a woman, and it is she, the woman, who carries Yin energy outward and gives it to the world. When a woman discovers these qualities that were originally inherent in her by nature, she finds happiness and inner harmony. It is very important to correspond to the image of her incarnation. If a person is given a female body, it means, first of all, he needs to be a woman, and then a wife, mother, colleague, friend. Unfortunately, the philosophy of our society, religion and education do not provide the basis for the image of a woman. Many women do not know at all who a woman is, why she is here, what her main task is, what is the component of female happiness. As a rule, women answer that they have no time to think about it, no time to fill their heads with various thoughts, and, without listening to their inner needs, they live according to the stereotypes of life and concepts of true happiness imposed on them by their family and society. And women live like everyone else, and they study like everyone else, and work like everyone else, and are unhappy like everyone else... Mikhail Zhvanetsky has this phrase: “Why is the Earth trembling? It’s our women who go to work.” So how can you dream and want something without knowing what and without knowing for whom? And the Soul requires happiness, which is inside the woman herself. But many are not even aware of their unique capabilities and demand happiness from everyone around them, especially from their husbands. By studying the structure of a person, we learn that a person is not only a physical body, he consists of many parts (a developed person should have 32 of them). We won’t go far, but let’s take the parts that are most familiar to us: body, heart and mind. Harmony within oneself is the composure and integrity of all parts of the body. When a Person begins to live according to the needs and desires of his parts, he will find balance and become happy. For example, now many young beautiful girls come for consultations because they are unhappy. We begin to understand their lives and see a very common picture today. Parents imposed higher education, the specialization is not interesting to the girl, but it is prestigious in the social circle of her parents, her heart does not want to do this, her consciousness does not understand,Why does she need this (many answer that they go to study because of their parents, who refuse to help financially if their requirements are not met...), and the body drags itself to this university. Do you think the girl will be happy? In this situation - never! Because she goes against her needs and desires. Its three parts, like a crayfish, a pike and a swan, pull it in different directions, while it itself remains in place. But this is also her choice! The girl does not have the willpower to defend her needs and interests, she consciously chooses this path, relieving herself of all responsibility for her life, shifting it to her parents. At the same time, the unhappy woman lives and blames them for her misfortune. But we know that it is impossible to force a person to do anything without his will! And a woman in the new era carries the energy not only of love, but also of will. And so in any area. Whatever a woman does, she must, first of all, talk to herself, arrange a small meeting of her parts. She must live in harmony with her parts - this is where the word happiness comes from. Listen, does her body want this, how does her mind feel about it, and is it all in her heart? And if all parts agree with this, then the woman finds happiness in this matter. No one can make her happy, only the woman herself can do this . “Joy will be endless if we make sure that our happiness does not depend on external circumstances.” John Gray. Why is there no expression “male happiness”? In Vedic philosophy there is a concept: if women are happy in a given state, then all other citizens will be happy. This is probably why such importance is assigned specifically to women’s happiness. The symbolic image of the feminine principle is a triangle that ascends, and the symbol of the masculine principle is a triangle that enters. A woman creates an environment, and a man enters this environment. A woman is a representative of the matter that is around us, and a man is a representative of the Spirit, which comes from above and fertilizes this matter, as a result a certain space is formed. Whatever environment a woman creates, such a space will be created around her. In a word, if a woman is happy, everyone around her is happy! This is the law, whether we like it or not, whether we know it or not. When a woman lives following her destiny, namely, creates new conditions, creates an environment, a space of love that inspires everyone, preserves this space, then she becomes happy. And into this environment a man worthy of her is attracted, and children come who correspond to this environment. Can a single woman be happy? How decent or indecent is it to be lonely? As I said above, the integrity of a person according to Tao is Yin and Yang. A woman initially has Yin energy, and a man has Yang energy. We were created this way, we are opposites. There are two opposites that only together express the integrity and completeness of our being in this life. Until a woman interacts with Yang, she will not be full inside. That's why they say - my soul mate. Therefore, many women by nature dream of the only one with whom they will exchange energy and enter into unity. But in order to receive masculine energy, you don’t have to get married. A woman can receive this energy from other men, interacting with them like a woman, and be happy in her own way. These could be friends, work colleagues, fathers, uncles, brothers, teachers. She can create a certain environment and give love to men who are not her lovers and, in turn, receive yang energy. There are no such concepts as “decent” or “indecent” that would suit everyone. Each person decides within himself what is decent for him and what is not. Only he himself knows how he should act, what is good for him and what is bad. I will say that it is decent when a person remains true to his needs and desires, without looking at the opinions of others. Is it possible to get your own individual specific happiness? How to deal with mistakes and disappointments and set goals for.
