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From the author: The country is changing, in organizations the requirements for the professional skills of employees are increasing, they are faced with quite ambitious tasks, needs are changing, and therefore the personnel who will implement these tasks must be ready to carry them out. Article - presentation of the “School of PR Managers and Political Technologists” If you work with people In our turbulent age, it is sometimes not very easy to navigate the choice of a future profession. Technologies, ideologies, and demand for specialties change; what is relevant today may not be in demand tomorrow. The knowledge acquired fifteen, ten, or even five years ago is no longer enough for full-fledged work. The current market economy requires flexibility and versatility from specialists in almost any position. Often one person copes with two or three areas of activity at once. This is especially true for professionals who work with people. These include managers, sales managers, PR managers, political strategists, executives, specialists who, in their field of activity, have to speak in public... All these specialists may require the ability to be a good organizer and the ability to see not only one area of ​​work, but also a complete picture of current and upcoming events. That is why you have to develop various skills: to be a good psychologist, a copywriter, to know PR technologies, to get out of conflict situations with dignity. There are no trifles in working with people and there is always something to learn, what skills a specialist should improve and develop, increasing competence, but avoiding one-sided specialization. Real learning usually begins from the moment you take up a position and never stops. Becoming a professional in your field, keeping up with the times, using practical experience to achieve your goals will help you develop additional skills and qualities. There are three groups of such qualities and skills: personal, professional and organizational. Personal qualities primarily include honesty and decency, which always presuppose compliance with the norms of universal morality, fairness towards others. When working with people, an important personal quality is good health, which helps to be energetic and resilient, courageously endure the blows of fate, and successfully cope with stress. However, physical health alone is not enough. You must also be emotionally healthy people, otherwise you simply may not be able to withstand all the overloads that fall on your head. To achieve this, you should develop positive emotions in yourself: empathy, which makes a person humane; excitement, stimulating activity, interest and curiosity, helping to move forward. Decision-making requires from specialists working with people not only qualifications, but also emotional maturity, which is expressed in the ability and willingness to meet acute situations, successfully cope with them, not to do tragedies from defeats if they suddenly find themselves on the path of life. It is for this reason that the first and main quality is communication skills, the ability to take the position of a person with whom it is necessary to interact. Another group of qualities necessary in the activities of almost any specialist is professional. This is competence, i.e. system of special knowledge and practical skills. First of all, this is a good knowledge of reality, both internal and external, an understanding of the goals of the organization and one’s unit, the ability to see problems, highlight the most significant aspects of them, and be receptive to novelty and changes. However, today’s reality dictates that professionals should not only be well prepared and highly educated, but also have creative potential. Each team member should believe in their own creative abilities, as well as appreciate such abilities in others, be able to mobilize and use them, overcoming everything encountered along the way».
