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From the author: The main purpose of this article is to draw attention to this type of psychological help as a “support group”. This material is also recommended for use for the presentation of a support group at the stage of its formation and for motivating new participants. The feasibility and relevance of targeted assistance and support are considered. Rules for conducting a support group have been defined. The preventative component of a support group is an effective countermeasure to prevent negative consequences resulting from experiencing difficult life events. Pain seems to be a common denominator of the human experience. Part of our life. By avoiding pain, we lose the opportunity to experience the essence of life. Tim Hansel (1941-2009) The unique effectiveness of support groups Support groups are created by people who have been personally or indirectly affected by the problem, people who at a certain time found themselves in a difficult situation (for example: childhood abuse, grief due to the death of a loved one, and other negative experience). By meeting people who are struggling with a similar problem, a person has a special opportunity to draw strength and understanding from them, and also has the opportunity to share his problem with them. A sense of community develops within the group. The group provides support. For example, a person in mourning may feel that he is separated (isolated) from the rest of the world with his problem. The group gives each participant a sense of belonging, so necessary in a situation of confronting personal suffering. In the group, everyone finds sympathy. The group gives hope. It is also a place where, under the watchful guidance of a psychologist, psychotherapist or teacher, each participant has the opportunity to gain new experience in confronting painful memories and difficult situations. An important function of the group is educational. The group teaches methods and techniques for coping with the strong emotions that accompany such traumatic situations. The support group is a place where confidentiality is maintained, where everyone can express their emotions without fear of being criticized or misunderstood. This is a place where they will always listen to you, try to understand and treat you with respect. “Psychological portrait” of a support groupWhat is unique about a support group? Taking into account the above-mentioned qualitative characteristics of a support group, we can draw a conclusion about its “psychological portrait”. Portrait of a support group - allows participants to find strength and understanding; - provides an opportunity to share their experiences and life experiences; - creates a sense of community, a sense of belonging among participants; - guarantees participants support, empathy and hope; - motivates its members to gain new experience in confrontation painful memories and difficult situations; - teaches methods and techniques for coping with strong emotions, confronting personal suffering; - guarantees confidentiality; - is a place of mutual acceptance and respect. Features of the organization of the group Support groups consist of from several people to a dozen participants. At the first meetings, goals and group norms are determined, which are jointly discussed by all group members. As a rule, such groups are open (that is, the group can accept new members at each meeting). When the group is open, the group leader (a psychologist or group leader involved in providing psychological assistance) is obliged to periodically return to the already established rules for the work of this group. Group meetings can have not only a structured form (with a program prepared in advance), but also “elastic” (to resolve current problems of the participants and stabilize the well-being of each of them). An important role of the facilitator is to ensure that each of the group members has a guaranteed time to speak. At the same time, the facilitator monitors the observance of the rights of the participants in their desires...
