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I write a lot about the emotion of joy. Apparently for me it is so resourceful and important that when I experience it myself, I share this state with others. Many people are “tolerated” by my radiant positivity. I'd be lying if I said I don't care. And received in response to their stories. observations, stories and parables, the phrase that you can’t see a spoonful of honey in a barrel of tar, I am convinced of the opposite. No matter how difficult, complex and unbearable the condition may be, if one thread of consciousness is directed towards the goal, towards achieving something important and necessary, pleasant and joyful, then the percentage of alignment and stabilization increases. Here are examples of treating addicted people (chemical dependence is a very terrible thing). After all, what can hold you back in the real world? The support of others is beyond any doubt. And the semantic component of the word “support” includes the fact that they share joy with a person, see joy in him, see the meaning of his life, even if he himself does not want to see it and does not try to discern it. One young man grew up in a family of believing parents and in his adolescence he was “carried away” into the world of synthetic pleasures. Spice, weed, and alcohol appeared in the group of peers and friends. spun, spun. My parents supported me, treated me, and believed me. In the moments of his spree, the young man went to confession. And now, after a five-year illness, he is in stable remission. 10 years already. He sings in the temple, bringing joy to people with his amazing voice. Joy is a feeling that can be shared and this only makes it bigger. The work that a person currently has, no matter how temporary, permanent, one-day or unloved, done with joy, does not bring such fatigue and emotional exhaustion. Any emotion received from the world or synthesized within oneself has a place to be. But if, after living it, a person thanks the world for this moment, then he already colors the situation with the emotion of joy. I am not taking as an example truly tragic events when you need to be sad. When tears are necessary and healing for yourself and others. A crying person not only evokes irritation and pity in response, but also sympathy and even the joy of sharing his real, deep and vulnerable self with the world. Find conflicts and contradictions within yourself, contact us! I will gladly accept and analyze your situation. With you was psychologist Yakovenko Galina, who knows how to listen and hear not only words, but also feelings. Sign up for a consultationPhone, WhatsApp, Viber +7-927- 128-70-07
