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From the author: “Any depression should be met with a smile. Depression will think you're an idiot and run away." - Robert De Niro. It’s autumn in the soul: the leaves turn yellow, the rain floods all thoughts, the cold wind constrains your movements so that you want to freeze in one position, hide from human eyes, covered with a cozy blanket and so that no one touches or sees you, and most importantly, not gave advice on how to get out of all this. After all, being in a depressed state, we do not take seriously the words of loved ones who want to help us and do not see ourselves from the outside. And yet, in such a state, we need to remember our soul and take the necessary “pill.” Think about why, when we have a toothache, we immediately rush to the doctor to rid ourselves of this pain, thereby healing our body. Why don’t we think about the state of the health of our soul, as always postponing rest for later. It all seems to us that what we feel inside ourselves, that we are experiencing this is somehow not serious and there is no reason to think about the state of the soul, much less treat it and allocate time for it, which is already in short supply. This is especially true for the male sex, which is considered to be the stronger sex, which should never complain about anything, much less about mood swings. And everyone in the whirlpool of weekdays thinks about how to earn more money without sleeping a wink for a week at a part-time job - what a deal! Now, with the money I earn, I can buy more tasty things or about five fashionable things to wipe the noses of my colleagues. But think about whether all this will be necessary for a person who cannot look at the sky with a smile, take a deep breath of fresh air after the rain and simply enjoy life, a person for whom every day is like “Groundhog Day”, who does not understand where the morning is, and where is the evening, this just a soulless body becomes, turns into a robot and the soul dies off and here the depressed girlfriend comes and opens her arms. A person starts eating and doesn’t feel the taste, goes to a party and feels like a stranger there among his own people, you can sit in one position for several hours, not concentrating on anything and not thinking about anything in particular. And here you need to tell yourself: STOP! Find the strength within yourself and stop turning into a vegetable. It is necessary to turn to specialists - psychologists, psychotherapists and undergo the necessary course of treatment before things go even further. In our new times, it’s time to throw away all the fancy labels and be yourself and do what you want, without looking at the views and opinions of others. And going to the same psychologist should not be a ridicule among others, because none of us is immune from the negativity of life, any person can have trouble, from which he needs to be helped to get out or pushed on the right path. First of all, you need to understand for yourself the source of trouble, find out where this negativity is coming from, sucking you into the abyss and try to eliminate it. If it is completely impossible to eradicate it, then it is necessary not to attach such importance to it and not to give it a central place in your life. Place your beloved self at the center of your universe, let everything revolve around you, and with the dignity of “Your Majesty” you will allow certain events to enter your life. Become the master of your destiny! Stop being sour in yourself and console yourself that in my situation it cannot be any other way. What happens to us is all our doing. And don't shake your head at this line. Everything around you is something you created yourself. So, if you were able to do this, now create for yourself another world that will completely suit you and which you will rule. Start with your appearance. Firstly, it concerns your posture and gait. Look at yourself from the outside. How do you walk? Hunched over and walking with huge shuffling steps to work? Don't you find it funny to look at yourself? Probably laughter through tears? Walk like a king, but not arrogantly. It is necessary to observe moderation in everything. One.
