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From the author: Despite the simplicity of this article, it is not about a pickup truck, but about the beginning of building harmonious relationships... No matter how popular a young man is among women, he must he'll like a girl who doesn't faint at the sight of him. It is a fact! Of course, at a time when young people are not yet burdened with thoughts of starting a family, they choose different options for building relationships and are not always fixated on any particular girl. Some agree to the options: “she already agreed,” others already at the age of 20 he chooses the one that he likes and suits him, without agreeing to compromises, and some remain single for a very long period. Of course, you can talk for a long time about the psychotraumas of childhood, and the reasons for choosing different relationship options or the lack thereof at all and the endless feeling of loneliness, but the article is not about that... Those who have successfully decided, of course, will not even be interested in the title of this article... Comments from experts, of course, can replete with proposals for deep psychotherapy for about 5-10 years))). And some of the clients will go to it regularly, but some will still not. This is firstly...Secondly, for 20 year olds - 5-10 years is not a period, but for those over 40 - this is part of life. Thirdly, our grandparents got married, got married without psychologists, and psychotherapists, and our family was not reborn and there was no demographic crisis in that period. And so how to get the girl you like: The first question that men ask when coming to a consultation is usually the same: “She has no emotions for me. What to do?" Young people! Care! True, do not bring down the whole barrage of your emotions on the girl you like. The desire to protect one’s psychological territory from annoying people is a normal desire of any person. Get ready for long-term, unobtrusive courtship; if this is your person, then sooner or later a miracle will happen. People’s emotions always find a response to our soul, both positive and negative. To the question: “Is courtship worth the time and effort?” No psychologist will give you a 100% answer; no one has yet canceled the human factor. Some couples work out in the end, some don’t. But what is worth paying attention to, what is worth trying First (this is IMPORTANT): the presence of common interests, goals, values, respect for each other (respect is always either there or not , it is almost impossible to achieve. It is built on common goals, interests and values.) These are important components of all harmonious relationships. If they are not there, the remaining points do not matter. If you have a frightened look. (According to more than one girl). It's normal that when we value something, we like something, we worry more. We are more worried about the result. And this is expressed in the look. We, all people, do not see ourselves from the outside. The result is obvious. Young people! They inhaled, exhaled... They removed their frightened gaze. And full speed ahead! Women love winners! Make friends with her friends, find out what the girl likes, what she is interested in, where she wants to go for a walk, etc. Girlfriends usually get very tired of lengthy complaints from other girls about unsuccessful boyfriends, “but this fool didn’t call again,” etc. And they are often happy to help a young man who is sincere in his feelings. (A strong point from my practice). Launch your spy friend “into the enemy’s camp” (who needs to be conquered))). Many girls themselves experienced psychotrauma in childhood, find it difficult to get closer (fear of close relationships), and therefore are content each time with relationships that are never destined to become close (with men who are not very interested in them). Perhaps it will be easier for a girl to open up to your friend. (This advice is not good in all cases, but it can be useful.) Watch your appearance. The principle does not always work: “a man is a little more handsome than a monkey, he is already handsome.” If a girl says that you are not her type, then... If a girl says that she loves young, well-written, handsome brunettes, and “the man is old, bald and lame,” then the chances!
