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From the author: One taxi driver told me about his relationship with a girl. He said that the stamp in the passport is a relic. If, they say, there is love, then we will be together, and if not, then no cliche will save. He put love at the beginning of a relationship, as a “finished product.” And I put love at the beginning of a relationship, which only over the years will develop into mature, giving love. This is the whole difference. “I think that I have long discovered a universal law: the correspondence between partners in marriage is absolutely complete. It lies not only in how spouses complement each other now, but also in how each perceives the other from the point of view of the development of their relationship. You should not believe anyone who says that he married for a career or because he was drunk. The computer in our head with billions of cells makes choices. a completely corresponding other computer to which you can connect.” Karl Whitaker “Midnight Reflections of a Family Talker” Nature created a man less sensitive for a reason. They needed to fight, get food, hunt, explore new lands. Low sensitivity helped them survive in field conditions. But when they returned from a trip to their home, the woman’s task was to warm up, fill the man’s heart and soul with love, revive, make love work in all its divine power. The more the heart works, giving love, the stronger it becomes and the more love is born in it. A heart that loves with healthy, giving love is not afraid of any strokes or heart attacks. I believe that the heart aches from unexpressed love that breaks out. Recently I was lucky enough to have the unique experience of BEING AT A GOLDEN WEDDING. I will never forget this. I felt surprise, respect, and extraordinary joy from the solemnity of this event. What a role model for children and grandchildren! Grandfather and grandmother again entered into a legal civil marriage, chose each other again and said so. Everyone had tears in their eyes: children cried with joy, men and women too. And then in the restaurant it was impossible to tear husbands and wives away from each other. Those whom I had never seen dancing together danced all evening. This was a must see! Words cannot describe it! The phrase civil marriage has two meanings. A civil marriage is an officially registered relationship between a man and a woman, a legal marriage. And “civil marriage” in quotation marks is cohabitation (cohabitation) of a man and a woman who have “borrowed” each other. There are myths about civil marriage. 1. Checking feelings: is this the person with whom I will be happy and whom I will make happy. - Feelings are tested over decades, you can’t check them in two or three years. 2. Checking sexual relationships: how suitable my partner is for me sexually. - The nature of sexual relationships changes over the years.3. Testing everyday skills. - You can learn anything, if only you have the desire. Bears are in the circus, and they are dancing the gypsy girl. 4. Checking the correctness of my choice: do I even know how to choose a worthy partner in all respects? - You will tell each other about this at the golden wedding.5. Testing the ability to be in society: what position does this person occupy in society, how do people treat him, how does he enter into relationships with other people, who are his (her) friends. - The most difficult and most important skill in life is the ability to communicate with people . And one’s position in society largely depends on this skill. You have to learn this all your life. It turns out to be a complete temporary test. Both technology and people are tested, they treat each other as an object, they manipulate. This can be done with technology, with any inanimate object. But NOT with a person, a creature endowed with mind, soul and body. In cohabiting relationships, burdened by all of the above myths, many “UNDOES...” arise: mistrust, understatement, dislike, etc. Partners seem to withhold love, DO NOT give more, DO NOT love each other?
