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It happens that a person loses track of time, can hardly remember what day of the week it is, and everything that happens is as if in a fog - it seems like you are watching a movie . It seems that feelings live separately from the personality, which is why the question arises: “How long will this last and what are the dangers?” Today we’ll talk about such a psychological defense mechanism as dissociation. Photo: Charlota Blunarova Dissociation refers to the primary or primitive defense mechanisms. It appears in everyone, but if it is temporary, then there is no reason to worry. Most often it “turns on” in stressful situations, after a serious illness, or as a result of heavy workload. If some emotions interfere with life and distract from work, then a person simply abstracts himself from them. It cannot be said that dissociation is bad. Let's consider this example. Another car is speeding towards the car. It would seem that an accident cannot be avoided, but the person, instead of accepting the situation, suddenly turns the steering wheel and avoids the collision. Yes, you cannot do without car repairs, but the driver and passengers are alive - this is the most important thing. Most likely, if you ask the driver what he felt at that moment, he will simply shrug his shoulders and say that he acted mechanically, as if someone else’s hands were turning the steering wheel and someone else’s feet were pressing the pedal. The defense mechanism of dissociation worked here, it helped to soberly assess the situation and prevent tragic consequences. However, there is also a flip side to the coin. Fear can constrain a person so much that he lets the situation take its course and withdraws. For example, during a fire, instead of calling rescuers and running out of the house, a person freezes and watches as the fire spreads further, for example, spreading from curtains to furniture. He is unable to force himself to act, to make sober decisions, and loses precious minutes on which his life depends. Such abstraction also occurs under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Most often, clients who have experienced severe stress turn to a psychotherapist. Suppose that a girl was raped, but at that moment she did not feel any pain at all. The brain turned off to protect the personality from terrible emotions. The patient talks about the situation as if it happened to someone else. The narrative is reminiscent of a retelling of a book or movie where the main character is attacked. During a conversation, not a single muscle moves on the face, the pulse is even, and there is a complete absence of emotions. A person who needs help can be easily recognized by a number of signs. He hides his feelings, creating the illusion of complete indifference. He pushes away those close to him with excessive callousness and coldness. He turns a blind eye to negativity and strives to avoid conflicts. However, that doesn't mean he really doesn't care. This is exactly how dissociation works - a person turns into an outside observer who cannot influence what is happening in any way. A striking example of dissociation is manifested in the story of Billy Milligan, about whom a book was even written and the film “Split” (2016) was filmed. This is a killer with multiple personality disorder, within which 24 “people” of different gender, age and character coexist. Depending on the situation, the subconscious mind switches, pushing it to inexplicable actions. To avoid pathology, you need to seek help at the first suspicion. It is impossible to reliably make a diagnosis based on the first signs, because this may be a temporary phenomenon or be explained by the fact that he simply got off on the wrong foot. Typically, a person is characterized by frequent mood swings and partial memory loss. Just yesterday he spoke negatively about what happened, but today he is already immensely glad that everything turned out this way, and does not understand how he can think differently. These are probably the first signs of a split personality, and the help of a psychotherapist is required in order not to lose individuality. Films about dissociative identity disorder: The Three Faces of Eve (1957) Sybil (Mini-series 1976) Split (2016) Which
