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There are women worthy of love. How do they differ from us, ordinary women, sometimes exhausted by everyday life, conflicting with husbands and children, women who take reasonable care of themselves? What is she like? What is the secret of her power of attraction? What do men find in her, often unprepossessing? Why do they talk about her with respect and admiration? Why am I, stylishly dressed, following the latest fashion trends, slim and beautiful, not so attractive to men? How is her ability to love and be attractive different from mine? What is she like? Self-sufficient or self-valuing? Well-groomed or richly dressed? About whom do they say: “they love her because she is worthy of love”? What's special about her relationship with her partner? Why, when communicating with her, does a man feel inspired, successful, free, soaring? The secret is simple - in selfless acceptance of the interlocutor (this is when we don’t need anything from the interlocutor). Remember how we look at men? What do we think about when communicating with a man? that she is worthy of love, and not because she returns love with love.” Among our friends there are: Vasya the doctor, Petya the traffic cop, Roma the banker, Ilya the taxi driver. Please note that the name is accompanied by a profession, accordingly their status and possible options for their use (if I feel unwell, I turn to Vasya, if I violate traffic rules - to Petya, I need money for a new blouse - to Roma, to get to a meeting with friends - to Ilya). As a result, I, as a person interested in these relationships, focus on satisfying my needs in these relationships. Or, for example, I like compliments, I am inspired by the looks of men, in the end I need admiration, then essentially I don’t care who exactly admires me, and it doesn’t matter to me who my admirer is. “The selfless and non-beneficial perception of another as a unique and valuable person is difficult for us; it is much easier in relationships to strive to satisfy one’s deficit in relationships” A. Maslow. We all know this unpleasant feeling of being used. We all don't like being perceived as a useful object. The ability itself - not to evaluate, not to judge, and to take a selfless position - is worthy of respect.
