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Although the cultural and educational level of our compatriots is undoubtedly growing, including in the field of psychology and the provision of psychological assistance, there are still categories of citizens who believe that they can cope with all the difficulties in life on their own. The formation of this kind of misconception is facilitated by all sorts of cultural, but, to a greater extent, even parental messages, when a child is told from the cradle: - you must be strong; - men do not cry; – act like a “real man”; – you must be the first... This is especially true for people who are developing their own business and are in constant competition for primacy in their field of activity. And about many businessmen, an outside observer can really say: “Yes, this person has managed to achieve a lot in life: he has a luxurious house, a fancy car, a beautiful wife, excellent students...” It is this external picture of well-being that prevents such a person from asking for help when your soul is uneasy. And what will others say? Is he crazy, crazy, or crazy? But what could be hiding behind this façade of well-being? Poor health due to constant emotional tension, stress, fatigue? Many enemies and fear of life? A wife with children who see dad a couple of hours a week, and who receive gifts instead of love? A relationship with another woman that further complicates an already difficult relationship? Drinking alcohol, which has become the only way to relax and restore balance? Losing the meaning of life in the end? In developed countries of the world, it has long been considered first prestigious, then normal, and today simply necessary to have a personal or family psychologist or psychotherapist. After all, when we stop taking care of our body, for example, we don’t brush our teeth anymore, then after some time they will get sick and we will have to go to the dentist. The same thing happens with the soul. If a person stops taking care of his inner well-being and peace of mind, then soon he will begin to experience disturbances not only in the emotional sphere, but also in thinking and behavior. And everything can end with the emergence of chronic somatic diseases, which today are considered to be psychosomatic, that is, arising as a result of disturbances in the functioning of the psyche. If we talk about businessmen, today there are cases where a heart attack ends the lives of young men who do not live to be 30 years old! Of course, it is difficult today to imagine a situation where a person who is successful by all social criteria comes to see a psychologist and says: “I feel like my mental well-being is suffering, help!” Therefore, mostly businessmen come with the following questions: – How to resolve conflict situations with business partners, with managers and subordinates? – How to build relationships with company employees in order to maintain your interests, but at the same time satisfy the needs of others? – How to negotiate to make profitable deals? – How to adjust family relationships to avoid mutual resentment and misunderstanding? – How to relieve stress? Well, this is already great material for starting to work on taking care of yourself and your loved ones... Together with Yulia Vasyukova
