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For not being ideal! Morning. We sit and drink coffee. A piece of his breakfast falls from his fork onto the table. God! Thank you for the fact that I’m not the only one! From time to time, something falls out of my hands. In trying to catch it, I might destroy something else. It would be better if it fell calmly! In my head at such moments, the voice of my beloved great-grandmother tells me where my hands come from. This makes me very upset. They still have not emigrated to their rightful place! To upset a loved one, even if he has died long ago, means not to live up to the hopes placed on you to prolong a strong and healthy family! The mood is spoiled, there is a mournful grimace on the lips. And if you listen carefully to the unpleasant sensations that appear somewhere in the abdomen and chest, you can recognize the most poisonous and irrational emotions - shame and guilt. It's a waste of time, half a day is definitely going down the drain. You won’t just let go of the experience of your inferiority. I really don’t want to know that you are worse than your friend Svetka or an excellent student Irka. And it is not possible to climb onto the pedestal of their perfection for a long time. And the stern voice of my great-grandmother will report my next mistake. Thus, with a negative assessment not of the act itself, but of the individual, significant loved ones lay the foundation for the child’s character, which is prone to anxiety. Of course, they do not do this on purpose to cripple the psyche. This is an educational process that has developed over several generations, aimed at ensuring that a person grows out of a child! The old education system was broken after the revolution. The new one was created taking into account the idea: a person is just a cog in a system that should exist as long as possible. Whether they left it on purpose or whether we are breaking the children’s psyche out of habit - I can’t judge. And how hard it is to bear this burden of ideality! And in our time, this is, in my opinion, a feat! Because perfection in everything has been elevated to the level of a super idea. Beautiful bodies, faces, homes, clothes, relationships. Try not to conform! Anxiety and depression will immediately cover your head. I will tell you why this happens and what the consequences are in the next post. And it’s no longer clear whether your voice or whose voice will compare you, a loser, with those around you who are more efficient, running into the abyss of perfection. An ideal picture in your head, on glossy covers, screens and personal pages. Why not? The main thing is that the picture does not remain only an attractive image. And behind her there really were harmonious relationships, not for show, but at home in the corners as if they were not family. A healthy lifestyle is not just a photo with a glass of smoothie. And a home in which you feel comfortable and want to come back, and not a museum with expensive paintings, where you can’t touch anything, each plate is strictly for a specific dish, and you can’t even eat with your hands! Just kidding, of course)) You can also observe etiquette, as long as it doesn’t happen under pressure, with hysterical screams if you make a mistake with a fork and an assessment of mental abilities instead of a calm example and an encouraging explanation, as in fact it would be correct. Do you feel the difference? Thank God that there are still real, ordinary people in the world! Those who make mistakes, fall, get up and are not afraid to laugh about their failures. Not afraid to start over and calmly let go of the past. Those who accept others as they are without pretense of super originality. God bless these truly strong, smart and self-confident people! Let them become more and I will join their ranks!
