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MIRROR NEURONS One of the truly sensational discoveries in modern neurobiology occurred in 1994, when a group of scientists accidentally discovered specialized cells in the cerebral cortex, later called “mirror neurons.” These cells were discovered and described by Giacomo Rizzolatti, Luciano Fadiga, Vittorio Gallese and Leonardo Fogassi at the University of Parma, Italy. The researchers connected electrodes to individual neurons in the premotor cortex of the macaque monkey under study, and then set up a computer to track which neurons fired when the monkey took nuts or grabs a banana. At some point, one of the experimenters looked at the computer screen while simultaneously putting dry food into a box. The monkey's brain was activated in the very place where the neurons responsible for motor commands were located. The monkey itself did not eat or move at that moment. She simply observed the scientist, and her brain indirectly repeated his actions. Then a wave of similar experiments swept across the world. It soon became apparent that mirror neurons explained many aspects of the mind: empathy, imitation, synchronization, and even language development. One writer called these cells “neural Wi-Fi,” because we pick up not only the movements of another person, but also his emotional state and even his intention. I think you have noticed that people who are in sync with each other tend to sit or stand in the same positions and even speaking in the same rhythm. However, our mirror neurons also make us vulnerable to other people’s negativity. We get angry in response to other people's anger or succumb to their depression. An experiment was conducted. Students from one institute were asked to imagine and portray various emotions on camera. Then these photographs were shown to students of another institute, and at that moment the subjects were in the tomograph. The students' brains reacted exactly in the department that was responsible for the emotion that was presented. Scientists also discovered that women have more mirror neurons than men. Therefore, dear women, before accusing your men of mental callousness, remember this. Knowledge about mirror neurons helps doctors in the rehabilitation of patients after a stroke. Demonstration of special videos during exercise therapy allows such patients to recover faster.
