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Group distribution is the reason why society will never be equal. No matter how much we would like it, there will always be outcasts, leaders, and the middle peasant, so the ideas of socialism (including European) or any other equalization are completely meaningless. Here is another example - Liber Cyberia, even if we assume for a moment that this is not a fake, then this idea is definitely completely useless and idealistic. Even if you choose the best and isolate them on some island, you will soon be able to observe increasing stratification (since the background will change). The difference between a civilized and an uncivilized society is that in a civilized society they do not kill for dissent, and this provides an incentive for development. If we have achieved absolute equality and sameness, then where can we get new ideas? How will they be born if we all think the same? In this sense, mental disorders, from the point of view of society, play a very important role: they allow new unexpected ideas to appear (children of schizophrenics, according to statistics, more often than usual become outstanding). Also, tolerance for differences creates greater security in society (including tolerance towards intolerant people, radicals, subject to certain boundaries and rules), because this allows you to monitor yourself less and be more free in your thoughts and manifestations... On the other hand, the lack of tolerance leads to an increase in paranoid tendencies, because first, the most different ones fall into disgrace, and then the desire for unification intensifies, which leads to the fact that everyone can no longer feel safe. Society is built on a certain balance, on certain conditional agreements, which may change over time. And it seems to me important to remember that there is no absolute truth, that everything is relative and everything is the result of these agreements..
