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Parents quite often complain that “there is something wrong with my child.” This formulation often hides a variety of difficulties that the baby experiences. This may look like changes in the child’s usual behavior (disobedience, fear of something new, difficulties in learning and communicating with others), as well as emotional difficulties (frequent whims, crying, nervousness, excessive excitability or excessive sleepiness). It is probably difficult to find a parent who at some point would not ask the question: What is happening to my child? Why has he become disobedient, why is he angry and pushes me away, cries and laughs at the same time, today he doesn’t want to go to kindergarten or school, but tomorrow he runs there with pleasure, he’s afraid of the dark, he fantasizes scary stories, he snaps and breaks rules, he quarrels with teachers and classmates, becomes withdrawn, deceives. What's going on in his inner world? The list of questions can be endlessly long. For many fathers and mothers, these questions become the object of anxiety and excitement. All these new developments in the child’s behavior can be a consequence of recently experienced stress (entry to kindergarten, school, moving, conflict with peers, etc.), quite often it happens that adults do not give due importance to incredibly important “childhood events”. However, all the same changes can have more serious consequences, acting as symptoms of various childhood diseases and peculiarities in development. If something is wrong with your child... There is no need to be scared, try to remember and analyze the “anxious period”. Think about what may be causing the changes occurring in the child. Rest assured, you are not alone, there are specialists who can help you and your child. At the moment, there are a huge number of medical and psychological centers where various “children’s” specialists work. We live in the age of information technology, and you can find out about such centers from a variety of sources (the Internet, help services, word of mouth, etc.). The main thing that specialists can help you with is to give you the opportunity to understand what is happening with your child and what needs to be done to learn how to influence the situation, changing it for the better. Having decided to consult a specialist, be it a psychologist, pediatrician, speech therapist or neurologist, do not hesitate to ask questions. Ask everything that interests you or worries you, do not leave without receiving answers to your questions. Don’t be afraid to look stupid or misunderstanding; feel free to ask to write down something that is difficult to remember. If you have a need, insist on a repeat appointment, additional research, consultations with different specialists of the same profile. In addition, it can be useful to focus on your own subjective experiences from meetings with specialists. For a variety of reasons, you want to trust some specialists from the very first meetings, while others cause internal protest. Monitor the child’s condition throughout the entire period; his health (physical and psychological) is in your hands!
