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From the author: Recently, at my appointments, requests from young girls on the topic “I want me to have an orgasm!” Options: vaginal, jet, general orgasm during sex with a man, and not just during masturbation. I am very sensitive to confidentiality issues, so I do not describe so-called “client stories”, and believe me, I have a lot of them in my more than 20 years of practice! And therefore, here I am making some generalizations, because a certain pattern has emerged. So, a girl lived for herself, knew no grief, had sex, masturbated, had orgasms and didn’t bother with anything. But suddenly, having learned that there is not just an orgasm, but a straight Orgasm-Orgasm-Orgasm With Mother-of-Pearl Buttons, she begins she is looking for a way to achieve it at all costs. Because otherwise she is inferior, defective, sub-woman. And, as a rule, she learns about this from, guess who? That's right, from your muFFin! Who, after sex, states approximately the following: “Well, I don’t know, I don’t know! All my women before you had exactly that same Orgasm-Orgasm-Orgasm, and there were no problems. I’m used to a woman cumming exactly this way and no other way! Do you not have an orgasm (vaginal/clitoral/squirt/general orgasm)?! Go, get checked, there’s definitely something wrong with you!” It’s not hard to guess what happens next. Our girl, having believed in her own inferiority, begins to look for where to get this Orgasm-Orgasm-Orgasm; goes through all possible sex training, eats tons of magic pills, surfs the endless expanses of women's forums, but things are still there! Gradually, the “female inferiority virus” is doing its job. Self-esteem falls, already inharmonious sex is upset, relationships with a partner suffer. The fear of losing this “muFFchina” appears or grows. Or, as if by leaps and bounds, the feeling of guilt grows to the size of a young rhinoceros on the topic: I cannot give him full sex. And further, and more... And in this, or almost this state, the girl comes to see me. We will omit the details of the anamnesis. Any sexual problem is not limited to the “lower floor” area. This problem is much broader: it concerns the attitude towards oneself, the relationship with a partner, and much more. Summarizing the problem areas, I will indicate what “hurts” our girl, WHAT YOU REALLY NEED TO WORK WITH: Female self-esteem Non-acceptance of yourself, your body/sexuality The desire to push your needs and desires into the background Sacrifice Relationships with men Relationships with your current partner, if you have one Relationships with your father and /or mother in childhood Feelings of guilt Fears, especially fear of loneliness/rejection Fear of not living up to expectations Fear of loss of control Etc. But before you decide to see a psychotherapist, it is important to “turn on your brain.” Perhaps this will even help you, and you won’t have to spend money on a psychologist))) So, dear girls! We must not forget that we are all overloaded with information. In addition, everything is being commercialized. There is a well-known idea that in fact there is no cellulite. It was “discovered” by the inventors of cellulite cream. All sales are based on meeting needs. And, if a person is not aware of them, he needs, by all means, to point out them, to “objectify” the need. You want it, but you just don’t know it yet! And marketers are trying: “You still don’t have a vaginal (squirt) orgasm?! How are you still alive and your man hasn’t left you?! Come to our sex training (buy our magic capsules-pills), and you will be happy!” You must remember that your man is also in the same information field, and therefore he can honestly believe that the problem is not at all about him, who has not studied your erogenous zones enough (or you yourself didn’t tell him about it - he’ll suddenly be offended, or it’s inconvenient to talk about it at all THIS), but the point is you, an inferior sub-woman who is not capable of experiencing Orgasm-Orgasm-Orgasm With Mother-of-Pearl Buttons. Therefore, at this point I turn on the Doctor and introduce the concepts of NORM.!
