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Do you believe that you can eat “without stress” - and at the same time get real pleasure? Is it even possible? After all, everyone around is talking about the harmfulness of sweets and fatty foods... Let's figure out how our prejudices prevent us from enjoying food. She measuredly brings a teaspoon of nut butter to her mouth... She has dreamed of it for so long! Nothing will spoil this long-awaited moment. Sweets are not a problem for her, not “forbidden fruit.” Nothing will happen to the figure, she will maintain inner peace and enjoy herself. After this, she will not humiliate her body with hunger strikes, but she won’t even want to eat a couple of spoons in addition. What did you experience while reading all this? Envy? Indignation? Disappointment? Or maybe anger? If the above is your palette of feelings, then this article is just for you - for those who experience guilt after violating their own food restrictions. Let's consider the most common judgments that clearly reflect our urgent inability to combine the joy of eating and peace of mind. Having familiarized yourself with the judgments and options for getting out of “their power,” you will be able to understand what exactly prevents you from completely succumbing to the desire to eat something unusual and at the same time get pleasure, and you will also have the opportunity to take a different look at food products that cause you you feel a sense of danger.1. “I know I shouldn’t have eaten it, but...” What’s going on in your head? “I shouldn’t have” - this part of the judgment suggests that your behavior is influenced by two types of norms: moral norms, i.e. “prohibitions cannot be violated, but I lost my temper and couldn’t resist”; norms of eating behavior, i.e. “sweets are always bad.” Such phrases sound from somewhere inside us, forcing us to think in a stereotyped way: “These foods definitely always make us fat, but these can be consumed in unlimited quantities - they still have almost no calories.” How to change the situation ?In a situation where you persuade yourself not to eat, for example, a piece of chocolate and at the same time you feel that you can’t stand it any longer and are ready to eat it right now, answer just two questions: “Will I be able to truly appreciate this piece of chocolate now? ", "Will I experience true pleasure now?" If both answers are positive, allow yourself to be pampered. If they are negative, then it’s not the time: ask yourself the same thing a little later, in an hour or two, in the evening. This exercise will allow you to look into the eyes of your real needs, which should be the “platform” of your choice and decision.2. “I should stay as far away from this as possible.” What’s going on in your head? “If I give in to temptation, I won’t be able to stop” - this train of thought accompanies you. In your opinion, keeping yourself away from “bad” foods is smarter than simply consuming them in moderation. In fact, such behavior is a sign of fear of losing control over what is happening and, accordingly, a sign of fear of one’s own desires and needs. How to change the situation? The most reasonable thing you can do is to look fear in the eye, show it where its place is. You can do the following exercise: try for some time to consume only a “bad” product - one that, in your opinion, is dangerous. For example: eat chocolate as lunch for three to four days. Don’t just eat it, but pay attention to your feelings: when you are full of it, at what point does nausea begin to set in. As a result of this experiment, you will discover that chocolate itself does not make you fat.3. “If I fail, I’ll go on a diet” What’s going on in your head? In fact, it turns out that you allow yourself to enjoy food only on the condition that there will be punishment afterwards. Yes, at first glance, such logic and strategy are quite reasonable and adequate. However, this is just a misconception! The idea that there are “good” foods and “bad” foods is reinforced in your mind. Them.
