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Imagine that you are the son or daughter of a basket maker (a person who weaves baskets or various other products from wicker). He is the best and most famous in the area. Buyers come to him from different cities, he has become famous for his products throughout Russia, and even abroad his business brings a stable and large income. And by right of inheritance, all this will pass to you, your father has been teaching you wicker weaving (the art of weaving from wicker) for a long time, since childhood he has been telling and showing you the basic secrets of the craft. And, in the end, he’s just tired and wants to retire. And you already know and can do a lot about this. And the father happily rubs his hands - soon he will be able to rest. The matter will go into excellent hands, the family will be fed and his life will not be in vain! And everything would be fine, but bad luck - you hate weaving baskets! You hate weaving in general, you hate this business, you hate everything connected with it and you can’t explain to your father that you love to sing or draw, and want to leave and study world art, for example. He agrees with your interests, but the family business and family wealth are at stake, the food of the whole family is at stake! So you can get carried away with anything, but you have one fate - a family matter. You rebel and swear, and it’s as if you’ve fallen into a trap; any way out doesn’t suit you, because if you go away to study and follow your interests, you’ll ruin your father’s business and leave the whole family without money. And if you yourself stay here, then there will be pain, sadness, melancholy, a hateful thing, and soon all your close circle will become hateful to you! The conflict is obvious! And not alone! External and internal! What feelings are you experiencing at this moment? Anger, helplessness, melancholy, hatred, guilt, anxiety and fear and much more - and pain... Well, then it’s a matter of standard behavior patterns - if you are used to getting your way, you leave your home, family and do everything you wanted for yourself. Or if you are used to being guided by others, then you forget all your dreams and desires and remain to continue your father’s work. Think about what you would do? Well, now... bang-bang! You are actually the one who is now and here, you are not the son or daughter of a basket maker, you are you. But! Often in conflict or stressful situations, you (just like our hero or heroine) resolve only the external conflict, but the INNER STILL REMAINS!!! And it will definitely find application in the external events of your life. Like this... it is repressed, forgotten... sometimes it appears in dreams in the form of monsters or disasters... you may be enraged by people who at least vaguely remind you that it could have been different ... Sometimes you feel sad when you think about the years that have passed aimlessly. But the conflict was as it was.... Ta-dam!!! And there is also a scenario here - a life scenario, reflected in the article in the form of external forms. But it lives on the internal plane, as a certain ossified model of behavior: for example, to be responsible for others (“well, you’re the eldest” or “well, you’re a man” or “there’s only hope for you”), to achieve a goal (“you can’t give up “halfway” and no matter how true the goal is), to believe that at 35 (40, 45, 50) years old - life is over - nothing can be changed (this is especially true for women who have a family). Well, in the end, my favorite explanation: “Better a bird in the hand than a pie in the sky”...And there are countless such scenarios, one way or another (already proven) they manifest themselves in life in at least two cases: 1. When the situation here and now is perceived as stressful.2. When there is some similarity between the situation here and now and a stressful situation in childhood. What to do if this somehow vaguely resembles your life? If you are satisfied with everything, then you don’t need to do anything. If you still put something off until then you either realize your fears within yourself, or feel an internal conflict, then: 1. Awareness! Wow, how I love that nature has blessed us with such a wonderful function! This is already a solution, this is already halfway, this is already a huge plus that cannot be/5542/
