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From the author: Dedicated to psychotherapists and those on the other side of the barricades Why do psychotherapists become psychotherapists, and psychologists become psychologists? Perhaps to better understand yourself and through this understanding to help someone else. Of course, in order to treat schizophrenia it is not at all necessary to try all these antipsychotics and experience hallucinations, not at all. When we talk about psychology, about resolving life situations, undoubtedly the older comrades of the tribe of psychologists are on the more advantageous side, because they have lived on the planet longer than young psychologists, have seen more and, therefore, can help the patient better. But this is only at first glance. As the classic said: “Wisdom comes with age, but sometimes years come alone.” You can live to see your gray hairs, but never know where all this frustration, sublimation, masturbation comes from... We know how many classics on their deathbeds were disappointed and frustrated, and many of them, having given multi-volume descriptions of the lives of others, did not understand them and did not accept themselves. For a psychotherapist, like no one else, it is important to understand oneself in order to help the patient. The surgeon has a scalpel to help the patient, the therapist has a set of medications, but what tools does the psychotherapist use? His instrument is himself, and if the instrument is not tuned, then it is more difficult to help the patient. What is Human Design? The Human Design System is a synthesis of knowledge from classical generally accepted sciences, such as genetics, biomechanics, and esoteric knowledge not recognized by science - Kabbalah, the Hindu-Brahmin chakra system, astrology, the Chinese book of changes I-Ching. Human Design allows each individual living on planet Earth to make an individual map - Bodygraph, in order to determine the type, decision-making strategy and much more, including compatibility with a particular person, or rather, an understanding of how to communicate with someone without violating their boundaries, correct for both. For a psychotherapist, understanding your design is like understanding your car - we know what kind of fuel needs to be filled - 92 or 95 gasoline, at what speed to drive, and so on. And if we know ourselves, then we can help someone else. The map in the Human Design system is called Bodygraph. And on it we see 9 centers. Since 1781, man has been a 9-centered being, and on the map we see that some of the centers are shaded; we call such centers definite. And the other part of the centers is not painted over; they are highlighted in white on the map. We call them undefined. What is certainty? 88-89 days before birth, a person receives an imprint from neutrinos - particles that have an extremely insignificant mass and are emitted by the planets of the solar system, and where these particles left an imprint, certain centers are formed in the body, and where the neutrinos did not leave an imprint, indefinite ones. So, a set of different definite and indefinite centers divides the entire population of our planet into 4 types: generators, 70% (the definite sacral center second from the bottom is red), projectors, 21% (the indefinite sacral center), manifestors, 8% (the indefinite sacral center, a certain throat center associated with one of the “motors”) and reflectors, 1% (all centers are indefinite, white). Also, the uniqueness of each person is ensured by a non-repeating set of channels (lines between centers) and gates (when the line is half-shaded). This is why we say that Human Design is the science of differences, of differentiations. In addition, reading the card gives us information about the profile, breaks, False Self, incarnation Crosses. And, of course, for the uninitiated, these terms are Chinese literacy. Therefore, speaking in the language of practitioners, this knowledge, first of all, can help the psychotherapist himself see his type, type strategy and all other nuances, and then help the patient? How? Very simple. For example, with regard to emotions, each person has his own characteristics of experiencing his emotions. Do you see the big triangle on the right side of this map? This is the emotional center - solar
