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From the author: Who said that there is no creativity in the army? I remembered that I read a lot about the military, including jokes. And this is what I thought about: due to what marshals and generals win grandiose victories, due to which grassroots commanders in extreme conditions instantly make the right decisions, like ordinary soldiers, far from creativity, I act in conditions where there is almost no time to think. Why heroes numerous anecdotes, are actually very creative people? And their verbal pearls from jokes and life are actually creative. Try to come up with something like this yourself without preparation, impromptu; clearly, briefly, succinctly and exactly on target. I made a seemingly interesting conclusion - this is the result of military discipline, combat (military) training, and military bearing. What do these concepts mean in general, and from the point of view of creativity and mental abilities. Military discipline - strict and precise observance by all military personnel of the order and rules established by laws, military regulations and orders of commanders (superiors). Those. the brain is in constant tone and monitors “the exact observance of ... order and rules.” Agree, the work is quite intense both for the mind and psyche. Combat training is a purposeful, organized process of military training and education of personnel to conduct combat operations and perform combat missions in accordance with their purpose. As they say, no comments! In addition, combat training also includes physical training, and the benefits of physical education and an active lifestyle for effective brain function are written in almost all popular publications. Military bearing - 1) an element of a serviceman’s appearance that makes him and entire units look cheerful military appearance. 2) a section of single combat training, aimed at instilling in a soldier the skills to stay in and out of formation, to quickly and dexterously perform drill techniques. Military bearing of a soldier is achieved by combining combat training with physical training and sports. (It’s a pity, but the bearing of our modern military leaves much to be desired, and even in this form it is not at all easy to do. But here memories of the military of past years, of the last century, as well as military armies of foreign countries, China for example, come to the rescue.) And here again Sports do appear. If you look closely at drill training, it is a kind of group “qigong” class (although qigong presupposes a relaxed state and proper breathing). And posture is very important for proper blood circulation, and, accordingly, intensive oxygen supply to the brain. The above somewhat contradicts previous views about comfortable conditions for creative work. But if you think about it, it doesn’t contradict, but complements. I believe that in conditions of intense mental work, a little military discipline will not hurt at all. And if you imagine yourself as a military man in extreme conditions, solving a given task, then this can work as a creative technique. It is especially worth noting the sentries at important memorial objects, such as, for example, “Eternal fire,” or the guards at the Palace of the Queen of England. The ability of these military specialists to not react to surrounding events for a long time is admirable. They block their brain and do not allow extraneous information into it, nothing distracts them from the task at hand - guarding the object with a solemnly imperturbable face. It would be great for us, creatives, to learn how to focus on the task at hand. Here are a few “military” expressions: You don’t have time because you write everything completely, and even in words. The current is not a fool - it will flow where there is less resistance. Boots need to be cleaned in the evening, and put on freshly in the morning. I have everything written down in a black red notebook ( well, very creative, almost a ready-made design idea). Landmark number one - pine with a birch top. Platoon! Stand with your backs to each other, in a checkerboard pattern, diagonally!.
