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An incredible number of trainings, master classes, and tutorials are devoted to how to become feminine and inspire your man to success. The demand for these events never subsides - this is not surprising, because almost all adults enter into a relationship sooner or later. The strange thing is that such prejudices still exist in society, that a woman is capable of working almost miracles with her feminine energy. No one underestimates the role of women; the beautiful half of humanity is truly capable of amazing things - motherhood alone. The question specifically is how can femininity affect another person's ability to make money and achieve success? Let's sort it out in order. Why do women do this? It's simple - it's shifting responsibility. Literally it sounds like this: “I don’t want to earn money myself, so I will be beautiful, and you be inspired by me and work. And just try to earn little.” And so these unfortunate people go to “pump up” their feminine power, learn the art of flirting and stop you with one glance, like geishas. What should you do instead? By yourself! Appearance, of course, plays an important role, but not the primary one. To build a long, strong relationship, it is not enough to wear only skirts and heels. Remember how often you meet girls with ordinary appearance, not seductresses at all, but men simply do not let them take a step. Everything here is elementary - these girls are interested in themselves, they are self-sufficient and they don’t need to prove anything to anyone. This works with men too. Try it. Why do men send their wives/girlfriends/girlfriends to train femininity and become muses? Yes, too, because they shift responsibility! After all, it’s easier to say: “You don’t inspire me, so I’m not getting rich,” than to admit that the culprit of failures is you. To summarize, it should be noted that a woman can indeed inspire a man, but subject to the reverse process. Most often, behind these searches for inspiration in each other lies the usual misunderstanding in the couple and the failure of the partners as individuals. In fact, if both people stop nagging each other, begin to respect and appreciate their union, and give mutual support, then the tension will go away from the couple and state of stress. Which, by the way, is the reason that “luck” has turned away from you. What do you think about this? Share your opinion after reading. Sign up for a consultation: WhatsApp, Telegram +7 913 380-83-42 Skype: as3808342 Learn to manage your emotions!💪
