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What is group psychotherapy? This is a highly effective form of psychotherapy, sometimes more useful than individual therapy. Especially when the goal is social support and interpersonal skills training. Group psychotherapy concentrates and uses the possibilities of group influence for treatment, help and improvement of the individual, providing extremely great opportunities for growth and change. In group work, life's difficulties need to be shared not only with the psychotherapist, but also with other people in the group, when everything is openly discussed, what happens in the group between the participants. Topics often discussed include alienation, loneliness, isolation, the nature of relationships with other people, problems in expressing feelings, my need for other people and others' need for me, tolerance and intolerance, anger, reflection of life problems in a group, etc. Who is group psychotherapy suitable for? If you lack support You experience a feeling of loneliness You are unhappy with your current life situation You have difficulty establishing and maintaining close relationships You want to learn more about how to communicate with other people You understand the need for personal changes Are you ready to move in the desired direction What are the possibilities in a group you get to? talk about yourself, your feelings and experiences see yourself through the eyes of another person provide and receive support, be meaningful improve relationships and communication experiment with new forms of behavior increase confidence and self-esteem transfer personal changes from the group into your life. Why a group? When several different people react to your words, feelings, actions, it has a much stronger impact than the reaction of one person. What helps you better understand yourself and your relationships with other people, and more realistically see the consequences of communicating with them. The group is a mirror in which you can see your relationships with other people in real life. The group encourages personal growth, a realistic understanding of oneself and others, teaches sincere relationships with other people, and solves personal and interpersonal problems. How does the group work? The success of the work depends on several factors. The main ones are: mutual trust of group members, which helps them talk about themselves; participation of people with different life experiences; common goals of the group that are achieved through joint efforts; sense of community, group cohesion; participation of a qualified therapist; agreement of all participants to adhere to certain rules. Who Group therapist? Is a qualified psychologist or psychotherapist with special training to work with groups. He is a member of the group, but his functions are specific. He does not solve his personal problems here, but strives to help group members better understand what is happening in themselves and in the group, provides assistance and support to group members. Comparison of the effectiveness of group and individual psychotherapy. As a result of a review of 32 controlled experimental studies, which compares group and individual psychotherapy, data show that in 25% of cases the group form of therapy is more effective than individual therapy. In the remaining 75%, no significant difference was found between group and individual psychotherapy. And in none of the studies was individual psychotherapy superior to group therapy. Subsequent reviews and studies draw similar conclusions, and the effectiveness of group therapy is 2-4 times higher than individual therapy. What may take an experienced psychologist up to six months of work can happen in a group in one session. Misconceptions about group psychotherapy. It is something second-rate, like a cheap analogue of individual therapy. There are convincing results from many studies that suggest the opposite. In some places, even about the greater effectiveness of the group form of work. This is the same psychotherapy, only in a group format. With its own characteristics, capabilities and limitations. Fear of what is happening in the group.
