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Before raising a panic and scolding a child, forcing him to go to school with subsequent monitoring, it would be nice to understand the reasons that served as the reason for systematic failure to appear at the “temple of knowledge”. Meanwhile, the reasons for this may be quite serious. Let’s start with the child’s feeling of constant fatigue, against the background of which, success in educational activities does not occur and because of this there is no desire to go to lessons. This situation is not hopeless: the causes of fatigue can be worked out with a family psychologist. Sometimes it turns out that absenteeism occurs simply because the presentation of a given subject does not interest the teenager and he does not want to go to it. Whether in this case classes with a tutor, or additional independent classes will be a panacea, parents and children will decide in the process of mutual agreement on subsequent rules. It is important to know whether there are unresolved conflicts within the class that create stress and interfere with educational activities. Conflicts can occur both with classmates and with teachers. The main thing here is not to put pressure, not to interrogate with bias, in general, not to create an additional conflict - with parents. It is most effective to contact a psychologist in order to find out about the presence or absence of problems on the behavioral or emotional spectrum, and also to analyze ways to resolve the conflict. At this stage, parents also need help: they often do not understand how best to support their child. What needs to be done before contacting a psychologist? Build a trusting dialogue. Learn to look at the situation he describes from his side, through his eyes. A conversation with teachers will also not be superfluous. You need this conversation: a) to complete the picture of what is happening, b) to clarify the teacher’s position on the behavior of children in the class. Do not talk to your child as if your assumptions or suspicions are the ultimate truth, do not create situations in which he would have to justify himself. If you assume, then say so that these are your assumptions, but it is very important for you to find out the real reason for absenteeism. Let him know that you are on his side and just want to figure it out and help him, and not find out the extent of his guilt. Remember: no threats, shouting, or punishment. The first thing to do is to find out the reasons for absenteeism, and then, preferably, together with a psychologist, start working on correcting this behavior. Take care of yourself! Sabirov Salavat. My Telegram channel: #YourpersonalpsychologistAny questions? Make an appointment for an individual appointment in Volgograd or for an online consultation at: +79050620750
