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Approximately in the second year of a baby's life, and for some even earlier, the mother first encounters a child's hysteria. Further developments of events greatly depend on how correctly the mother reacts to her child's first tantrums. Which is very it is important to understand even before this happens for the first time: the crying of a child has the most irritating effect on adults, it is a survival mechanism, otherwise a defenseless creature could not survive in the wild; the crying of a child, especially in a crowded place, activates the program “you are a bad mother, you don’t know how to raise your child normally,” which also pulls you out of emotional balance. These two facts need to be realized and remembered when your beloved baby begins to cry. What to do? Switch from the storm of emotions about the baby’s crying to thinking about the reason for this crying: The baby is already very tired? Hungry? Does he want to drink? We try to eliminate the physiological reasons as quickly as possible. Perhaps he really wants that toy or that candy right now? Then it depends on your reaction whether the child will continue to use this method of getting what he wants or not. The most common mistake is a sharply negative reaction from the mother. It is clear that my mother is overwhelmed with emotions, I want to stop this torture by crying right now. But, if a child receives a storm of mother’s emotions in response to crying, then this is exactly how he will act in the future. Small children are deprived of the usual way for us to convey their desires in words, therefore, they use what they can: crying, smiling, gestures. To which the reaction will be brighter, and it does not matter whether it is positive or negative, it will be repeated more often. How to react correctly? As smoothly as possible. We say in a calm voice: yes, we will definitely buy you this toy next time...candy, of course, right after lunch. Yes, you are upset, first eat lunch, then eat candy. What is also very important to understand: for a child, loud crying is not an external expression of a strong internal experience, but simply a way of communication. He will calm down very quickly and will not receive any psychological trauma if he is not given candy right now. At what age did you first encounter a child's tantrum? Maybe there are amazing children who have never done this?
