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What prompted me to write this material is that I periodically read articles, articles by girls, women psychologists on various topics, including how they describe life, problems and difficulties in relationships. And they are written mainly in comparison with men. They describe what men need, what men love and how they behave. That a woman needs to be like this and then the man will not cheat or will devote more time to her. It seems that women know better than men what men need and what they are like. They know what a man’s essence is, what difficulties he has to overcome in life, what he has to face, and what problems he has to solve. And this is far from the case... Unfortunately, the real situation is that both men and women know and understand little about themselves, about who they are, how they differ, how they are similar, it turns out that they are very disconnected from their gender. Traditions and ritual things in groups of men and in groups of women that have existed for a long time are now fading away. Women, of course, are more successful in organizing women’s communities, but they are rather not about women, not about the essence of women. And about men, gossip, power, comparisons, female competition, etc. Then it turns out Who is a woman? A woman is NOT a man. That is, there is such a contrast, and it concerns different spheres and features. By and large, this is what it all comes down to. In the modern world, women are encroaching on the territories and spheres of possession of men. Thus, I automatically enter into competition with them, but this is not feminine. Feminine is about something else. What it is difficult for me to write about, since I am a man and limited by my gender and experience, I can understand more about him than about women. And in articles by women psychologists, too, often little is written about women in essence, but there is a comparison with men. Who a woman really is, what femininity is, its essence, features, is not clear in comparison and contrast with men, and it is not clear to women themselves. That is why many seek psychological help in order to understand at least a little who I am, what I am I do in relationships, because of which conflicts, betrayals, etc. occur. What am I like as a woman? How I worry that there is a man next to me, his features, which are not always pleasant. How am I feeling in general? If we are not to be disingenuous, we rarely answer these questions and admit them to ourselves, and even less often share them with others. If you want to share your not always pleasant “baggage”, you can entrust some of it to your loved ones or friends…..And if you want to understand more about yourself, allow yourself to experience what is happening to you, without hurting yourself or your partner, explore why something is not going well for you, and maybe change it, get support from a specialist, contact…
