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From the author: If you want to get married, then it is important to remember the value of your soul. It is important to understand which men you need to avoid. If you want to get married, then it is important to remember the value of your soul. It is important to understand which men you need to avoid if you want to get married. No matter how far the world has gone now, values ​​are eternal. Each of us wants a happy family. And to do this, you first need to meet a man and marry him. When you start building a house, it is very important to make the right design and choose the location at the very beginning. Everything is important in relationships too! And sometimes it is not easy to correct the mistakes that were made at the beginning. The art of building happy relationships The state of falling in love is very important to us women. When meeting a man, some people fall in love immediately, while others need a long period of courtship and conquest. It doesn't matter what happens. The main thing at the moment when you are not in love is to carefully observe your chosen one. After all, it is to him that you want to give your heart, the most valuable thing you have. If you started dating not so long ago and you want to get married, then try not to fall in love quickly. Don't reveal your soul right away. To begin with, keep a certain distance from your partner. You must study the person and understand whether it is worth opening your soul to him at all. Do not turn it inside out. Take care of it, don't let anyone litter it. Don’t make your heart into a cheap hotel, where the guests don’t really care about the cleanliness of the establishment. In this regard, I want to tell you a parable. One day, a young, beautiful girl came to a gray-haired, wise old man, all in tears. “What should I do?” – she complained through tears. – I always try to treat people kindly, not to offend anyone, I try to help everyone in any way I can. And although I am friendly and affectionate with everyone, I often accept insults and bitter ridicule from people instead of gratitude and respect. Otherwise they are openly hostile to me. I am not to blame for anything, and this is so unfair and offensive to the point of tears. Advise me what to do. The sage looked at the beauty and said with a smile: “Strip naked and walk around the city like that.” “You're crazy!” – the beauty was indignant. “In this form, everyone will dishonor me, and God knows what he will do to me.” Then the sage opened the door and put a mirror on the table. “You see,” he answered, “you are afraid to appear in public, exposing your body.” So why then do you walk around the world with a NAKED soul? It's open to you, like this door. And therefore, all and sundry ENTER your life without asking. And if they see in your virtues, as in a mirror, a reflection of the ugliness of their vices, then they try to Slander, humiliate and offend you. Not everyone has the courage to admit that someone is better than them. Not wanting to change, a vicious person is always at enmity with a righteous person. - So what should I do? – the girl asked. “Come on, I’ll show you my garden,” the old man suggested. Leading the girl around the garden, the sage said: “For many years I have been watering these beautiful flowers and caring for them.” But I have never noticed how a flower bud blooms, although then I enjoy the beauty and aroma of each of them... So you too - be like a flower: REVEAL your heart to people, slowly, imperceptibly. Look, who is a good person and deserves to be your friend and does good to you, OPEN your soul to him, and those who tear off petals and trample underfoot... From those who, as you see, are RUDE, dishonest and not grateful - LEAVE and never don't help them. Don’t let every person into your life; rude people should be kept in front of the locked door of your soul... It’s not easy to be happy. And strangely enough, your happiness does not depend on others, it depends only on you. In a relationship, all periods are important, starting from the first moments of the meeting. It is from these first minutes of communication that you begin to lay the foundation for future relationships. Therefore, on the one hand, you should take dating very seriously and responsibly, and on the other hand, you should not consider a man after several dates as a candidate for husband. HowAs soon as you start taking a man too seriously, tension arises, which often does not contribute to the continuation of the romance. When meeting a woman, she simply must see his potential in a man. Very often a woman is concerned with showing HIS love and attention to her. Sometimes she tries to find in him something that, by definition, cannot be in one man. Thus, a woman is looking for an ardent and passionate lover, and at the same time strives for stability and seriousness. She wants bright emotions and manifestations of love, and then she worries, fearing that the man may have someone else, and does not feel that he is a suitable candidate for a husband. And the one who is stable and serious brings boredom...You must clearly understand what kind of family you want to create and what your man should be like. If you want beautiful courtship and romantic love, then you don’t necessarily need to go to the registry office for this. Family is more than night walks and romantic evenings. If you want to get married and are only committed to a long-term and serious relationship, then your task is not to get caught in a beautiful courtship. Indeed, often for a woman the main criterion for a suitable man is only his attitude towards her. And behind beautiful manners, a woman may not notice her partner’s undesirable character traits, for example, rudeness or a tendency to cheat. But it may happen that a man who does not know how to clearly express his feelings and care for him will turn out to be a faithful and reliable life partner. A woman needs to be able to discern in the gentleman his readiness and ability for a long-term and serious relationship. Unfortunately, not all men can be good candidates for husbands. Which men should you avoid if you want to get married1. Men who have lived alone for a long time. If after a divorce a man has been alone for more than three years, this is already a reason to think a little. If it’s more than five years, then you need to think carefully about it. And if it’s more than ten years, then you’re unlikely to be able to get along together.2. It’s not a very good sign if the man before you was in several marriages and in none of them had the experience of a long family life; 1–3 years are short marriages. It’s worth thinking: if he had numerous short-term affairs that did not end in anything, you will only add to the list of his conquests.3. If a man lives with his mother or parents for a long time. It is unlikely that you will be able to become the main woman for him. He can conquer you with his attitude, but then, in your life together, his mother will push you out. You will always feel its influence on your relationship. The fight against it is doomed to failure. The more you try to cut this unhealthy umbilical cord, the more you will be perceived as an enemy by your husband and his mother. Even if it does not bother you much, you will still feel its presence. A man will expect from you the same unconditional love, adoration and reverent care that his mother showed. You will have to adopt him. If you are ready for this state of affairs, then he is an excellent candidate for the role of an adopted and sometimes ungrateful son.4. Men Don Juans. They smoothly move from one novel to another. Some people break their hearts, but mostly it’s them. They are so dexterous and sensitive that they manage to disappear first, before they are left. Such a man is filled with so-called universal love for all women in general. He loves everyone and is ready to give the joy of unforgettable meetings. If you don’t want to be left with a broken heart and a wound in your soul, then try to spot this type of man in time.5. Dependent men. If you observe manifestations of any addiction in a man’s behavior, be it alcohol abuse, passion for computer games, overeating, etc., then be prepared for a difficult, exhausting relationship. You will ride the emotional waves of love and hate. Dependent people are by and large incapable of deep love. Their feelings are superficial, they do not know how to build equal relationships. Periods of tenderness are always replaced by fatigue from the partner, irritation with him and desire
