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So, the baby is born! You can learn about what happens in his physiological process from various literature or special courses. Let's see what happens in his mental development. A baby is an infant - a child aged from birth to one year. A distinction is made between the neonatal period (the first 4 weeks after birth) and infancy (from 4 weeks to 1 year). The development of an infant has a decisive influence on his further mental and physical development. His body is unstable to external influences and susceptible to diseases, so he needs the most careful care. But parents are very often mistaken when they think that a baby is a little person for whom the main thing is food, sleep and dry diapers. The birth process is a strong stress in the child’s life, a difficult and turning point. Psychologists call this period the newborn crisis. Let's look at what are the causes of the newborn crisis: 1 reason is, of course, physiological (being born, the child is physically separated from the mother and finds himself in completely different conditions: cold, bright light, air environment that requires different type of breathing, the need to change the type of nutrition). 2 reason - psychological (the psyche of a newborn child is a set of innate unconditioned reflexes (breathing and sucking reflexes, protective and indicative reflexes), which help the child in the first hours of his life. ATTENTION! According to psychologists who thoroughly study mental processes in children, the presence of the mother is simply necessary for the child. If there are no serious reasons for the absence of the mother, then the mother needs to understand that from the first days to 3 years the mother must be close to her baby and. leaving him, for no apparent reason, in the care of mothers - nannies, for more than 4 hours - is NOT RECOMMENDED. I will explain - in the future, in a child, and then with his return it will worsen and will become embedded in the unconscious processes of the psyche. . This attitude will greatly affect the child’s insecurity and SELF-ESTEEM! So, if you want your baby to grow up as a person with normal self-esteem, if possible, do not leave him for more than 4 hours. Another important point that not only the baby’s mother, but also all family members should know about is , despite the fact that the baby is physically separated from his mother, emotionally, he is still connected to her. The baby feels all the emotional experiences of the mother. Therefore, in order for the child to grow up as a harmonious personality with a more stable psyche, the mother needs to work on herself. How? - remember that your mood is reflected in your baby; - try not to get irritated over trifles; - do not pick up the baby, if you are irritated or very worried about something, try to calm down first; - leave the baby for a while with your family and take some time for yourself - take a walk, watch a comedy, take a break; - master meditative practices; - if you cannot cope with your mood, identify the presence of irritability, fear, uncertainty, etc., consult a psychologist. REMEMBER: A CHILD IS YOUR TRANSMISSIONER, IF SOMETHING IS WRONG WITH YOU, THEN THE BABY BEHAVIORS RESTLESSLY - THE REASON MAY BE WITH YOU. SO, FIRST OF ALL, ANALYZE YOUR CONDITION. IF THE MOTHER FEEL POOR, THE CHILD WILL BE WORRIED AT BEST, AND AT WORST WILL GET ILL. Remember, the main principle is HAPPY PARENTS - HAPPY CHILDREN.
