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Any child’s bad behavior is based on his experiences. It is important for parents to remember that the child does not have adult psychological defense mechanisms; the child does not yet know how to pretend, suppress and extinguish all experiences. And, as they say, what is inside is what is outside. Children's pain, fears, worries, frustrations for any reason - all this finds its way out through aggression. Children break toys, raise their hands against elders, snap, and spit, often only because they themselves feel bad. And here it is very important for a parent to act according to the principle - do no harm! By swearing, cursing back, applying harsh sanctions to the child for this, we only make things worse. Thus, parents further traumatize the psyche of their children. But what needs to be done, how to cope with children's aggression? 1. Be sure to give an outlet to negative energy. Let the child yell and scream. Don't stop him in his actions.2. When the release of energy has occurred, be sure to ask what is bothering the child, what hurts him, what he is afraid of.3. Give your child support. Tell him that the next time he feels bad, he can turn to you. Offer your help. Give your child confidence that he has support and acceptance in your person.4. Fixation on the child's resources. Together with your child, remember 1-2 situations from his life when he was able to cope with a difficult task, praise your child, let him know that you believe in him.5. Tactile contact. Just hug your child. Hold him close to you. Tell him how much you love him.6. Fixation on experience. Knowing what worries the child, try to avoid similar situations in the future, adjust your behavior, pay attention to alternatives to your behavior that would lead to opposite results for the child’s psyche.7. Avoid snobbery and hypocrisy. If you blame a child for something, then do so yourself. If you broadcast that a child should be like a rock, not become aggressive, not snap, etc., then behave with dignity. Don’t quarrel in your family or with your neighbors, stay calm, bring a good mood and positivity into the house! Parents, be attentive to your children! Your psychologist is Y. A. Evseeva.
