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Natural selection, what is it? The strongest survive, the strongest physically and intellectually, this is Natural selection. Those who must fall, go nowhere, having fulfilled their mission, the mission of a working ant in an anthill, and become nothing, manure on which the “ELITE” will grow flowers, survive. It is the “elite” that is destined to control this “chaos”, otherwise the “chaos” will begin to control the “elite”. Being dung is an undignified fate, but someone finds happiness in this too. No one thinks about power until it is gone. Be it political power over many, or the influence of a lover over one. We all need some kind of power to be able to choose. And being left without a choice and not having power is the same as being alone in the dark. It sounds cruel, of course, but this is the truth of the world, someone controls life, rearranging everything at their discretion, like chess pieces. There is always a figure, and the one who moves it, removes it, kills. In the world of animals, the strongest rules the same way, and no one can do anything, even if they are of the same kind, species, you will be removed, if you are weak, they will be removed in order to survive , to be the only one, and to control the chaotic world around you. Poor rabbit, sheep - they are eternal pawns on the chessboard, serving as a toy for a greedy and strong lion. The jackal, it would seem an unenviable figure, but he also found his own way of survival, picking up objects, he doesn’t need more, he’s in his place, on the lowest level of the hierarchy, and this suits him, but he suits him because he knows that he cannot achieve more, since he is weak and cowardly. For any strength, there will always be an even stronger one, and in order to survive in this cruel world, in order to be in the “elite”, you need to fight for this place, not lose your strong positions, this is Natural selection. How to stop being a puppet? How to get into the "elite"? Of course, there is a path to the top hierarchy, but the question is, do you need it? Perhaps it's better to be where you are? "Every inch, know your back." "He who was born to crawl cannot fly"! I mean, everyone has their place, and what is the point of climbing to where you will fall anyway, and falling from above is very painful and dangerous.
