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From the author: Dolmens - there was such an episode of my trainings, although, to be fair, dolmens still “pursue” us as a place of practice, as a methodological plot, as a “look” at myself from the outside... Yes, and one more thing: I wrote this article in 2001 for the popular science almanac "Megalith-Cafe". DolmensDolmens have been a popular topic in the last few years. And if you type this word in a search engine, then your first reaction may be confusion from the abundance of all kinds of different information on the topic of dolmens. However, perhaps this has already happened. For me, one might say, this is already an idle topic. Idle precisely because it seems that I have exhausted it today as a psychoanthropological end in itself. But we actively use these megaliths on our “Mage’s Path” as one of the psychotherapeutic topics (goals) - this is working with the energies of the dolmen. Moreover, there is still a certain debt left to himself and to “them” - the dolmens. This duty is to describe the “man-dolmen” contact on the Magician’s Path. And in order to pay the bills, I undertake to supplement my previous article on the topic of dolmens on the Megalithic Portal website: http://vsedolmeny.ru/ In general, my view of dolmens has not changed over the past 1.5 years. I am not interested in doing a quantitative description of “stones” - this is not my path. Moreover, there are people more “stubborn” (in such goals) for this purpose. The search for myths about dolmens seems more interesting to me, but not now and, perhaps, “not in this life.” Now I would like to draw attention to three points: in time, in space, and at a moment outside of time and space. History of the dolmen There are NO dolmens in history. That's the whole story... But to be honest, we are talking about the anonymity of those who built these megaliths. After all, the builders of other large structures in the world are mainly known from chronicles. It’s more difficult here with megaliths, including dolmens. And in comparison with other megaliths (pyramids, stone giants, etc.), dolmens have an amazing talent - for thousands of years they do not attract human attention. We admire other wonders of the world, especially those built by man, but are surprised when we learn about the existence of these “houses.” But these “houses” seem to have been standing for a long time. If dolmens are discovered at the bottom of the Black Sea, it will become obvious that they stood before the emergence of the Dardanelles Strait (previously, the level of the Black Sea was lower than the level of the Mediterranean Sea). Well, longer than the pyramids in Egypt (if, of course, the builders of the pyramids are who we take them to be). Who built the dolmens? It is clear that he is not a person... Ancient Kingdoms and later times. At least this was not found in ancient written sources. And they won’t find it, even if it is THERE... Thus, the dolmen has time, but no history. The magic of the dolmen The space of the dolmen is no less mysterious and enigmatic, just like the time of the dolmen. In general, there are dolmens. There are, but where and how?.. Many researchers have tried and are still trying to determine the stellar orientation of dolmens. It has been suggested that dolmens could serve as astronomical observatories, similar to Stonehenge. This may be true, but there are too many dolmens, and there are up to 600 in one place. Those who built them had an enviable interest in Space, since they built so many observatories!.. Another assumption is that the dolmens together “in a crowd” are an astronomical building. On the one hand, they can stand on the so-called geomagnetic meridians, energetically active zones of the Earth. On the other hand, they are also receivers of cosmic energy, reflecting the stellar power configuration. It (this configuration) is interconnected with the Earth by energy “pillars”, on the continuation of which temples and places of worship have been built since ancient times. Thus, a dolmen is not just an observatory, but also a temple, and all the dolmens together (and with them, it is possible, other megalithic buildings) form a single temple network - the energy body of the Earth, its protection, etc. But it's definitely not for usknown. Since none of the modern researchers have discovered a clear pattern of the location of dolmens both in relation to the cardinal directions and in relation to the features of the terrain. No one has been able to clearly record (with instruments) these “fields”. It is only clear that dolmens are not burials, although they were used much later as burials - “convenient and cheap.” Interestingly, researchers have found that some peoples used dolmens as a “secondary” burial. In this case, after the “primary” burial, about a month later, the bones were “pushed” into the hole of the dolmen. In Greece, they did approximately the same thing with the bones of dead schema monks - after a month they were dug up and buried a second time - “stored” in a special grotto of the monastery. These bones were considered almost sacred, possessing Power. So who else and why could they be buried in dolmens, if it is known that the Force is attracted to the Force? THOSE who used dolmens in such a “cheap” way clearly knew about this, although they themselves did not build dolmens. Most likely, they also knew that dolmens were built for “higher” purposes, although similar. This means that one did not interfere or contradict the other - the “Ancients” would not be offended. Carlos Castaneda in the 7th volume spoke about the approach of the ancient Toltecs to the problem of immortality, which may seem similar. But there is a difference in time - dolmens most likely existed much earlier. This means that their builders were much wiser. Indeed, dreams could go into dolmens in the body. But not in order to go into the lower mineral world, but in the name of preserving the knowledge of the upper world - the world of freedom. The role of the stone in the dolmen is just the role of a quartz accumulator of this freedom. The power of the dolmen I think that the ancients would not have been offended by us, the participants of the “Path of the Magician” seminar. Power is beyond time and space. But dolmens “appeared” right now, i.e. Only now did they attract human attention. Maybe nature left them “for dessert” for humans. What can still be found in the Himalayas, Antarctica, jungles and other deserted places is not important. After all, we have lived and are living side by side with dolmens for more than one millennium, but only now have they been discovered. This is where the real interest arose! Or they “waited” for the appropriate level of development of the consciousness of humanity in order to give humanity some missing link of Knowledge and Experience. And the ONE who is imprisoned in the dolmen stone can now break free. Well, as a dolmen stone becomes unnecessary, turning into an ordinary mineral, it is not subject to further storage... For us, these megaliths are a source of strength. This means that we can use them as a catalyst for our individual and group processes. They are a source of psychodynamic catharsis for us, and for each of us they are also a source of personal catharsis (energetic, emotional and mental). And it doesn’t matter whether this is really a source of power or just a plot (a trick of the Spirit). We are not so crazy as to follow power blindly, and not so wooden as to shit under dolmens. Most likely, this is why they appeared in the life of modern man - according to the degree of his “readiness”. For more details on this, see “Time Trends.” We are “ready” not only to approach dolmens, but also to wisely not approach them. For example, some of the participants in the “Trail” cannot psychologically approach one or another dolmen. They find some internal resistance to the energy of a given dolmen. Of course, this is their own projection, and they understand it. Well, thank God!.. Moreover, even at the first two seminars I discovered that on the first day of such (!) a hike it is better not to rush to the dolmen settlements - it is better to do this on the second day. In subsequent seminars, I used this principle of visiting - I deliberately set up camp, not reaching the dolmens, and set people up for “tomorrow’s visit to the dolmens.” This is, of course, a game, but no more than life itself. And one more principle of visiting dolmens is
