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Our on-site seminar “Island in the Stream of Life” has just ended...And I still don’t know what to say, my soul is filled with the joy of the meeting and the sadness of parting, gratitude for the sincerity and closeness, a feeling of miracle and many more echoes of that small - huge life on the banks of a beautiful forest river. Different people, gathering together at some event, come into contact spiritually and physically, exchange words, experiences, feelings and invisibly change. It’s as if every person, by bringing the treasures of his soul as a gift, acquires something new and even more valuable. And this is the main miracle of communication. So, sitting in a circle on the soft grass, listening to the singing of birds, we shared questions and answers, laughter, and sometimes tears. Feeling the support of many kind hands and bright views, it was easy to open up and share what was troubling me in order to resolve all important internal problems. And around the fire in the evening, you could forget your important adulthood and laugh, dance and shout funny songs. Make wishes and throw them into the flames of the fire, watching how the sparks carry them into the very sky... And now, it’s all behind. Dear friends, I hope we meet again, I have already prepared new seminars for you in the near future: “Get rid of the burden of guilt, shame, resentment and live freely.” Often, an incomprehensible and unfounded feeling that you are unworthy of the best poisons life and prevents you from achieving success in business and personal relationships. Do you want to get rid of unnecessary burden? You can start with this lesson. Have you noticed that from the same material you can create both something very necessary and useful, and something that only burdens us? So, feelings are energy, using which you can build a life the way you have always dreamed of. “Female charm” Female charm - have you noticed how many facets it has? And how many possibilities? Every woman is beautiful... in her own way. Femininity is much more than just a desire to please men, it is a special state of radiance, acceptance, love, creation. The purpose of this training is to feel softness and strength, fullness and shine, activate intuition and charm, awaken deep femininity. After completing this lesson, you will see in yourself the beauty and power of manifestations of feminine charm. You will meet an amazing and wise woman who lives in each of us. You will open up new opportunities for expressing the joy of being a woman. “Stop being a victim and become a winner” Does something always go wrong and something gets in the way, and a feeling of helplessness appears? Imagine, being successful is EASY! There is a certain technology for this. You can master it starting in this lesson and continuing on your own throughout your life. As a result, by acting effectively, you can get everything that you consider important to you. And most importantly, you will get a feeling of strength and self-worth. Classes in a warm, friendly atmosphere use conversation, group exercises, meditation, games, and art therapy. Additional information and pre-registration by phone. 47-69-88 from 10 to 20 o'clock. Sincerely, Elena.www.nextlevel.su [email protected]
