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The starting point for achieving the Vision of your life is inner leadership and relentless development. Leadership is about taking responsibility for our own lives, discovering ourselves and creating true value through activities in which we can reach our full potential. Many people spend their entire lives blaming others for the things that don’t work out in their own lives. We blame our spouses for the failures of family life, we blame our bosses for our troubles at work, we blame our parents for offending us. Accuse, accuse, accuse, accuse. But by blaming others, we are simply looking for an excuse for ourselves. It is sad to live, considering others to blame for the state in which you find yourself. By doing this, you accept the role of the victim. By living this way, you admit that you are powerless to control your own destiny. You seem to be saying: in order for life to change, my spouse must change, my boss must change, the world must change. This is the life of a powerless victim. Where is the place for leadership in such a philosophy of life? Only by acting like a leader and truly accepting responsibility for your life can you rise to the next level. The moment you look at yourself in the mirror and say to yourself - from the deepest place within yourself: “For my life to change, I must change.” At this very moment, you will enter the door that leads to your best life. The moment you take your life into your own hands, you take responsibility for the destiny that has been destined for you. You stop resisting your life and accept it in all its diversity. You begin to accept those infallible laws of the universe that have always governed the structure of life since the beginning of time. At this moment, you will regain your power. Stop shifting the blame to others for what you don’t like in your own life. Create a worthy Vision for your life and take action. Immediately, sincerely, purposefully. Right now, look in the mirror and take some responsibility for your life. This is where changes in your own life begin. When achieving success, be yourself, train and know that your life - your best life - is approaching you. Create a direction and surrender to your destiny. But even there, at the very top, remember about development. Do something every day that can open up new soul potential in you. Start with yourself. Start with the programs we offer for you. Surround yourself with like-minded people and you will see how quickly your life can transform. I look forward to seeing you at the training sessions. Your coach, Andrey Ushkov and Team.
