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From the author: I myself had a business, both in partnership, and did everything alone. This question arises both for beginning businessmen and for people who have already traveled a certain path in business. To say categorically that you need to do everything alone, I think, is not correct. But I also cannot recommend opening a business with someone. Let's look at all the pros and cons that I can allow you to figure out which strategy to choose for you. I'll ask you a question, are you married now? If yes, then it will be a little easier for you to understand; if not, then you will look as if from the outside, relying on the experience of your parents. Why this question? And besides, doing business with someone and starting a family are actually the same thing. Take a business partner and share the business with him. It’s all the same as getting married or getting married and immediately having a child. A bit of an unusual analogy, isn't it? To understand the situation more deeply, let's look at the so-called degrees of joint activity of people: 0 degree - you are indifferent to the person 1 degree - you just enjoy being next to this person 2 degree - you are pleased to enter into an intimate relationship with this person 3 degree - you can be with this person for a long time person under one roof 4th degree - you can plan joint events 5th degree - you can earn money together with this person 6th degree - you can share money with this person 7th degree - you can invest money together with this person All degrees are relevant for business, except of course intimate relationships . And it is very important to say that in order to occupy, for example, level 4, you must have the previous three. This is the effect of some kind of nesting doll. I think you have noticed how people here like to start businesses together. At first they hang out together, they feel cool, funny, and have fun. Then they say, let’s start a business, and that’s how it begins. But at this moment they are only having fun together, and no one thinks about further similarities. And you actually immediately decide to have a child together, your business. In general, the path of a businessman is the path of loneliness. Relatives don’t understand you almost from the first steps when you start a business, then your friends fall away because you simply have nothing to talk about with them. The team at each stage of business development changes almost completely, and if you look at who you are with now, then, as a rule, if there are 1-2 people among them from old acquaintances, then this can be considered nonsense. Often even husbands and wives leave, business changes you so much that your spouses may think that you have been replaced, and they married another person. Partners also leave, business reveals not only you, but him or her, and maybe them, it shows the true essence of a person. And, as a rule, it is not as rosy as it initially seemed. But there are also advantages to partnership, for example, opening a business with someone is not as scary as opening a business alone. There is a person who shares problems with you. You can give yourself a day off, knowing that your business will not be left unattended. Someone is always pushing you, and you don’t allow yourself to relax, because you know that you are responsible not only for yourself. And yet, it’s up to you to decide whether to open a business alone or to do it with partners. If you feel that you can do everything yourself, then do it, if you feel that you need to do it with someone, then do it. Do the main thing, and life itself will answer you which way of doing business is right for you.
