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What does it mean to live beyond your means? Spending more than you earn. If a person does not think about the consequences at all, then the credit hole will deepen and eventually it will become impossible to service loans. This is an extreme, obvious case. Why does the budget and strategy not work - and costs begin to exceed earnings? Something seemingly momentary obscures the distant goal - financial well-being. Temptation is nearby, but financial well-being is beyond the horizon. And the person chooses temptation. As a psychologist, I am interested in how people allow impulsive spending? What “tempts” them? In my opinion, a purchase should promise the realization of certain values. For example: 1. Recognition and respect - having more expensive things, a person hopes to receive social recognition2. Pleasure - goes especially well against the background of anhedonia - a person suddenly, after a long break, wants something - hurray! - and bought this something, regardless of the consequences3. Success with the opposite sex - more expensive things or better quality things and services Life beyond your means So you want something basic - not a cool thing, as such, but recognition, for example. Purchasing is simply a quick way to realize this value. Breaking the budget and loans is the price that a person is forced to pay for speed. often illusory, but satisfying. I don’t criticize anyone - everyone lives as they like. However, it seems to me that impulsive purchases can be prevented. Or reduce their number. (If a person has not yet developed shopaholism, of course). NOT all values ​​can be realized quickly. This often takes time, a plan, a resource. If you take care of this - “impulsive achievements* - you can avoid, or at least reduce the amount. For this you need to invest more effort, and pay a different price - firstly, giving up the fantasy of instantly achieving respect, love and complete pleasure, secondly, he will learn to put off the implementation of his desires. And here the ghost of S. Freud appears and says: Yes, yes - the principle of reality, without it there is no way. I’m joking, of course. And - I emphasize - I’m not agitating anyone. Just information If you have any questions. complexity - 8-921-919-85-59, available in person and online
