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Birthday is the anniversary of birth corresponding to the date of birth of a person. Typically, a birthday is celebrated as a home celebration with family and friends. It is also practiced to celebrate this date with colleagues. On his birthday, a person is called a newborn, the hero of the occasion, a birthday boy. People have different attitudes towards their birthday: - Someone is used to celebrating it in a large company of people. - Someone in the family circle - Someone manages to combine both - There are also people who do not notice it at all. From a biological point of view. At any age, we still remain small children at heart, with our boundless imagination, enthusiasm, thoughts, desires and feelings. Let’s speculate or remember “How does a small child feel on the threshold and moment of this joyful event.” Children, in their naivety, do not realize the full significance of this day, but still look forward to it with impatience and joy. After all, on this day all attention will be focused only on them. The child is usually given gifts on this day; in these realities, an animator and a children's entertainment program are ordered. Who among you has not dreamed of having a birthday twice a year? Some preschool children aged three to five years old shared their opinions about the perception of age, aging and birthdays. When a child is told that he has become a year older. He acts more responsibly. After all, now he is big and grown up. Preschool children understand that all living things grow, and growing up and aging is a biological process. Some of the kids believe that a person grows up and grows old only when he celebrates his birthday. This is just for fun.)) And having grown up, do you remember your birthdays? Perhaps you still remember the smells, the taste of “childhood”, the impressions of gifts (perhaps you still have these gifts), as a pleasant memory. Young parents, brothers and sisters. The most important holiday attributes for children and adults are candles, cake, balloons. How do you usually celebrate your birthday? What was your most memorable gift? What was the most memorable and unusual birthday you had? Thank you for attention. Love, happiness, goodness.
