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Avoidant attachment style is a psychological pattern that is formed in early childhood and affects the ability to form close and emotionally rich relationships in adulthood. People with this type of attachment often strive for independence and avoid deep emotional connections with other people. They prefer to keep their emotions under control and avoid expressing their feelings, especially those that involve vulnerability or dependence on others. This type of attachment may develop due to lack of attention, support and warmth from parents in early childhood. Children whose emotional needs have been ignored or neglected may develop a defense mechanism of avoiding close relationships. Also, traumatic events or the loss of a loved one in childhood can trigger this type of attachment. People with an avoidant attachment type may exhibit the following traits:1. Independence: They prefer to solve problems on their own and avoid asking others for help.2. Denying their emotions: They may suppress their emotions, especially negative ones, to avoid vulnerability.3. Intimacy Avoidance: Avoidant people often avoid physical contact and intimacy with others.4. Lack of Trust: They may have difficulty trusting other people and doubt their sincerity.5. Difficulty forming romantic relationships: Avoidant attachment patterns can lead to difficulty maintaining long-term romantic relationships due to an inability to maintain emotional intimacy. Overcoming avoidant attachment patterns requires recognizing and working on these behavior patterns. The support of a psychologist or psychotherapist can be very helpful in this process. Patients can explore their emotions, learn how to express their needs, and learn how to build healthy, trusting relationships. This takes time and patience, but with the right support and work on oneself, people with an avoidant attachment type can learn to build harmonious and close relationships in the future. Dilyara Abzalova is a clinical psychologist, art therapist, and practicing neurologist. To sign up for a consultation, write to What 'sApp: +79178889216
