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From the author: “Evening Mogilev” No. 38, dated 04/03/2013 Looking into the sad eyes of children deprived of parental warmth and care, you involuntarily think that they are unlucky with their parents. But during the conversation, it most often turns out that this “deprived child” really loves his drinking mother, his father (aggressive, angry, often unfairly beating, but painfully dear (!). It is these children who tend to justify the behavior of their unfortunate parents , to forgive them a lot. To forgive the lack of a daily breakfast before school or a warm dinner in the evening, the lack of clean clothes and supplies necessary for school activities. We are not even talking about love - children from families in a socially dangerous situation want to love and are ready, that’s another matter. that this love is sometimes distorted by the parents themselves. But here’s another case. I’m talking with a child or teenager from a good, normal family, or the teenager’s parents, who often receive in response a rude word, complete indifference, and even aggressive reactions to an ordinary remark. about cleaning the room or spending many hours communicating online. Children from wealthy families are more inclined to shift responsibility for their problems to their parents. However, I would like to note that not all children from families where one (or both) parents abuse alcohol, beat or humiliate their “child” pay their parents with unconditional love. Sometimes it is very difficult, and sometimes impossible, to restore disharmony in relations with parents, especially if the child was often humiliated, unloved, indifferent and simply not needed... This is scary. But such is the life of the modern society in which we live. Increasingly, parents work long hours; in the evenings, instead of playing together and communicating with their children, they correspond with classmates and play online games. And a child, even if he is from an outwardly prosperous family, grows up without knowing the attention and participation of emotional warmth on the part of his parents. Author -- © Bondarovich A. A
