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“I have three sons, 8, 10 and 13 years old. They have no friends at all, although they all go to school. They are friends with each other and almost never quarrel. It really bothers me that their classmates don’t come to see them. How to teach your children to be friends with their peers?” This question was asked by a participant in the discussion of my article “4 risk zones for a teenager - 11 tips on how parents can protect their child’s life.” Communication with peers is one of the basic needs of a teenage child. Usually children This age group tries to imitate their authoritative peers, try to communicate with them, make friends, and spend time together. We found out with the mother of three children that her children satisfy this need in their family circle: they are very friendly with each other, are interested in each other’s affairs, and support each other. , find joint activities. They feel good together. They are a whole friendly team, a group united by common interests. Apparently, that’s why they don’t have the desire to expand their circle yet, they feel good anyway. What else can parents do to help their child make friends? ?Let's discuss this.🔻 First of all, watch how your child communicates with other children, ask him about it. So you can understand the reasons for his lack of friends.🔻 Perhaps he is too shy or, on the contrary, wants to be the center of attention all the time. does not know how to share, listen to others, etc. 🔻Create conditions for your child to communicate with peers in your home. Offer to invite those guys he likes to visit. It’s easier to overcome shyness at home. Invite friends with children of the same age to visit more often. If a child can make friends with someone outside of school, then he will feel more confident in communicating with classmates.🔻 Find him a suitable club or section. It is much easier to find friends among children who have common interests.🔻 Teach him to praise other children and express his sympathy to them. After all, children, like adults, prefer to communicate with those who show them their affection. This way you will unobtrusively help your child find friends.🚀 🔥 Parents themselves may have their own difficulty - unsuccessful communication with their child. For example, as another mother described: “My daughter is 14 years old. She has always had a difficult character, but lately we simply cannot communicate with her. She shows with all her appearance that she is not interested in me, that she is busy. I ask her something, but she doesn’t answer, I start raising my voice - she gets offended. She says that she is busy (on the Internet), and I am distracting her. He ignores family dinners and cancels joint trips anywhere under any pretext. I don't know how to communicate with her. Maybe just don't touch it? Please tell me!" (Anastasia).I talked about how you can build communication with your own child in the article “I can’t communicate with my teenage daughter at all” - What can and should be done. I think it’s not worth repeating.* I would like to offer another article that can revive your parenting knowledge, skills and abilities, “What will help parents survive the period of growing up of their teenage child? – tact and negotiations” I think that’s enough for today. Love, understanding and a happy relationship with your child! You can sign up for a consultation here or by writing to WhatsApp, Viber, Telegram 89170252242
