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Can someone help a person if he doesn’t want to help himself? The best psychologist, the most bosom friend or an amazing lawyer? If a person does not make efforts to change in his own life, then no specialist will be able to help him. A psychologist will not live his life for the client and will not be able to learn new forms of behavior, healthy habits, or awareness of a quality philosophy of life for him. A lawyer for a client who is not interested in the legal process can philander and go to court hearings automatically, not trying to win at all costs. “If it works, it will work, if it doesn’t work, it won’t work! No big deal! In principle, the client needs this, not me!” A friend also cannot live your life for you and do your work for you, he has something to do every day. There is only one thing left - to change himself! Change everything in your life consciously and irrevocably. And to do this you need to clearly say to yourself: “I have a problem! She really exists! This is not fiction, not the opinion of friends, but precisely a problem that I definitely need to cope with! I don't want to live like this anymore! Stop! I want it differently! I want a new life that is not similar to the old one! With different values, perhaps friends, with different views. Yes, I want this clearly and irrevocably! And I will definitely reach the end. I will break down and fall! I won't always be consistent, but after every breakdown, I will get back on my feet and continue on my way. To health, happiness, a favorite job, warm relationships. After all, many have already passed this path and I will definitely cope.” Life is not covered with roses, but someone sees light in the depths of the tunnel, and someone only darkness. Anyone who sees a small light will definitely reach it. Those who expect an exclusively negative result will receive it. Only a click in the mind: “I definitely want to live differently!” Will lead a person to change, because it is he who provides the necessary energy to achieve the result. Believe that changes happen. These are not inventions of psychologists, these are real cases from life, with real people and events. It is there. And they were waiting for you!
